8 x 7
Which country is the largest in the world?
In which city do the characters in the book live?
Greenwich, London
Name the largest animal on earth?
The Blue Whale
278 + 537
In which country is Madrid?
Finish the sentence:
"He, She, It, ....
das s muss mit"
Name 3 small animals!
mouse, bird, fly, ant, bee, snail, ...
Who is the President of the United States of America?
Donald Trump
Name 5 prime numbers (Primzahlen)!
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, ....
What is the longest river in Germany?
The Rhine
Do you go to school on Saturdays?
What is the most popular pet in Germany?
Name every planet in our solar system!
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
132 ÷ 12
What is the largest city the in United States of America?
New York City
What time is it?
It`s quarter to twelve.
Name 3 reptiles!
Snake, Crocodile, Tortoise, Gecko, Lizard, ...
Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?
J.K. Rowling
27 x 15
Name every neighboring country of Germany?
Denmark, Poland, Czechia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands
Name 4 adverbs of frequency!
always, never, sometimes, usually, after, before, ...
Name 3 mythical animals? (Fabeltiere)
Unicorn, Dragon, Bigfoot, Werewolf, Phoenix, Pegasus, ...
In Germany we pay with Euros.
In England we pay with ...?