In her seminal masterpiece "All Too Well," T-Swift described a state of perfect, early-relationship bliss with "autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place." Which of the following Latin forms could we use to translate "with leaves falling" in that line?
(a) foliis casuris
(b) foliis cadentibus
(c) foliis casis
(b) foliis cadentibus
Change the participles to the future active and express them in Latin:
Sweet like honey, karma is a cat
Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me
Flexing like a goshdarn acrobat
Me and karma vibe like that.
(a) purrata, inflecta
(b) purratura, inflectura
(c) purranda, inflectanda
(b) purratura, inflectura
Which Taylor Swift track title from her recent album Midnights is a perfect passive participle?
Lavender Haze
Snow on the Beach
You're On Your Own, Kid
Midnight Rain
Vigilante Stuff
Sweet Nothing
Best believe I'm still bejeweled!!
Which word is modified by the participle?
"My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand"
Crescent and incandescent, both of which appear in T Swift's amazing "Ivy," are BOTH direct derivatives from which participle (i.e., which tense/voice)?
present active!!!!
In "Lavender Haze," T-Swift sings, "I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me." Which word does the participle creeping describe?
(a) feel
(b) I
(c) me
(d) haze
(d) haze
In "You're On Your Own, Kid," Taylor's poetic persona recalls a time when her childhood self felt like running away:
"I'll run away."
If Taylor were to use a future active participle to express her intention of running away **immediately**, which phrase could she use?
(a) effugiens sum
(b) effugitura sum
(c) effugienda sum
(b) effugitura sum
Which would be the best form of the word "bejeweled" in a Latin translation of these lines?
Best believe I'm still bejeweled
when I walk in the room
I can still make the whole place shimmer
(a) stellatum
(b) stellatae
(c) stellata
(d) stellatos
(c) stellata!
Which word is modified by "begged" and "borrowed"?
I'd live and die for moments that we stole
On begged and borrowed time
Corrigenda, meaning "things to be corrected," might show up in a manuscript - the basic meaning is "corrections." What would be the masculine nominative singular form of the participle "corrigenda"?
In "Lavendar Haze," T-Swift sings,
"I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me."
What case would you need to use to translate both "haze" and "creeping" into Latin?
(a) nominative
(b) genitive
(c) dative
(d) accusative
(d) accusative!
What do I feel? A lavender haze. What kind of lavender haze? One that I could describe as "creeping up on me."
Let's say that T-Swift decides to use the future active participle to write the following lines in Latin:
You're tied together with a smile
But you're about to come undone, oh
Let's also say that after consulting with a band of Latin enthusiasts from Buffalo, NY, Taylor decides to use a form of retexo, "to unravel," as the basis for her future active participle ("about to unravel"). Which would be the best choice for T-Swizzle's lines?
(a) risu texta es, mox retexens es
(b) risu texta es, mox retextura es
(c) risu texta es, mox retexenda es
(b) risu texta es, mox retextura es!
Complete the translation:
scribens epistulas
addressed ad ignem
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus: to write
epistula, ae, f. - letter
ignis, ignis, m. - fire
Writing letters
Addressed to the fire
Which word is modified by the participle?
If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it?
Will it patch your broken wings?
I'm only 17, I don't know anything
But I know I miss you
What is the participle.... and what noun does it describe?
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
string ...... tying!
In "Midnight Rain," T-Swift describes a rift between herself/her poetic persona and a former love interest in the lines
"I was making my own name,
Chasing that fame."
What would be the best translation of "chasing" in this sentence?
(a) persecuta
(b) persequenda
(c) persequens
(c) persequens
Let's say Taylor re-releases "Fifteen" not just as "Fifteen, Taylor's Version" but as "Fifteen, Taylor's (Latin) Version." How would she express this phrase in Latin?
I was gonna marry him someday
(a) olim eum ductura eram
(b) olim ei ducenda eram
(c) olim ab eo ducta eram
(a) olim eum ductura eram
Which word is the participle?
The jokes weren't funny, I took the money
My friends from home don't know what to say
I looked around in a blood-soaked gown
And I saw something they can't take away
Which word is modified by the participle?
He got my heartbeat
Skipping down 16th Avenue
Which word is the participle... and which word does it describe?
But I can see us lost in the memory
lost .... us
Vita salix tuo flectens vento, O
nocte te creeping in sentiebam
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind (oh)
Head on the pillow, I could feel you sneaking in
Best translation of "sneaking in" in this sentence?
(a) te insinuantem
(b) te insinuas
(c) te insinuaturum
(a) te insinuantem!
In these lines --
Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me
Lurking in the shadows with their lip-gloss smiles
-- Taylor suggests that her partner's exes are lying in ambush waiting to jump out and taunt her. If she wanted to add a Latin line describing her enemies as "about to ambush" her, which word could she use?
(a) insidiantes
(b) insidiae
(c) insidiaturae
(c) insidiaturae
Which word is the participle?
Hey December
Guess I'm feeling unmoored
Bonus: what metaphor does Swift create by choosing the word "unmoored"?
Metaphor: she is a ship
Which word is modified by the participle?
I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails
Translate the word "innocents" correctly into Latin in this context, paying careful attention to the CNG required:
And I don't dress for villains
Or for innocents
innocens, innocentis, m. - one who is innocent; literally, one who does no harm