EOC Basics
EOC Operations
EOC Planning
EOC Logistics
EOC Admin/Finance

It's the location of the Douglas County EOC

What is the Justice Center, 4000 Justice Way


Its the number and name of the ESF desk in the EOC that coordinates with Fire response in the field

What is ESF 4 - Fire Fighting


It's the position in the EOC responsible for capturing incident information, data and situational awareness and putting it into a "SitRep" 

What is the "SitUnit"


It's the ESF number that coordinates orders for personnel, equipment & supplies during an EOC activation.

What is ESF 7


It's the position that oversee's getting EOC Team Members checked into the EOC to work

What is the EOC Admin Desk


The first thing you do when you arrive at the EOC

What is "Sign In"


This is the ESF number and name of the desk that coordinates sheltering of people when evacuations are ordered

What is ESF 6 - Mass Care


It's the system used in the EOC to capture ESF and situational awareness information in the EOC

What is Trello


It is the Form used to create Resource Orders in the EOC

What is a 213RR


This position is in charge of all Finance functions in the EOC

What is the Finance Section Chief


It's what the acronym ESF stands for

What is "Emergency Support Function"


It's the number and name of the ESF that large and small animal owners depend on to coordinate assistance during an evacuation

What is ESF 11 - Animal Issues


It's the full name for the document known as a "SitRep"

What is a Situation Report


It is where 213RR's are stored by Logistics in order to make them accessible to the entire EOC for approvals and signatures

What is Google Drive


It the type of EOC Order that gets an "O" tracking number

What is an "Overhead" order


The two systems you need to log into when you start your EOC shift

What are "Trello" and "Gmail"


This is the number of the ESF usually staffed by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office

What is ESF 13


It's the Technical Specialist Position most often activated for many EOC incidents and events

What is GIS


They are necessary to keep an EOC Resource Order moving through the Resource Ordering Process in the EOC.

What are Approvals or Signatures

The Finance position keeps a master record of all EOC orders on this and displays it on the Monitor between the Logistics and Finance positions.

What is a Spreadsheet

The primary role of the EOC is not to Command but to _____________________.

What is Coordinate


It's a position that is rarely staffed, but in a very large and long EOC Activation most ESF's would report to it.

Who is the Operations Section Chief Position


For big and long events it's the EOC Unit that plans the closing of the EOC.

What is the Demobilization Unit


This is where Federal Resources can be ordered directly by EOC Logistics

What is Pueblo Inter-Agency Dispatch


He's the VIP who gets information on the cost of the disaster on a regular basis from Finance

Who is the County Manager