May Facts
May Birthdays
9 Letter words
Star Wars
Jerry Springer

Observed on the final Monday of May, It is a day set aside to honor and remember the men and women who died serving in the US military. 

Memorial Day 


Born on May 23rd, this American actor, comedian and TV host. Despite success on a popular game show, his own sitcom named after him was one of his best successes (Drew Carey show). 

Drew Carey


This is a small shaped sugar candy with a soft candy shell and a thick gel interior. It comes in a bunch of different flavors and colors.  



Who stars as the famous Han Solo in the original Star Wars films? 

Harrison Ford 


Especially in the 90s, The Jerry Springer show quickly became popular, receiving substantial ratings and all of the attention from viewers. By 1998, he surpassed this talk show hosted by this female, for the most viewed talk show at the time. Who did Jerry springer surpass in popularity? 

Oprah Winfrey 


This is a yearly celebration in May that commemorates the anniversary of Mexico's victory over the second French Empire in 1862. It's a fun holiday that Americans use to go out and party. 

Cinco De Mayo 


Celebrating her birthday today, May 5th, she is perhaps one of the most famous singers of our time. Thanks to a demo she gave to a friend, she rose from being a no one to a best-selling singer. Her debut album realized in 2008 after she graduated in the UK. 



This is a vivid experience in which you relive some aspects of a traumatic event or feel as if it is happening right now. 



Who is the famous mentor of Luke Skywalker

Obi Wan Kanobi 


Jerry was introduced to a life of chaos, being born in an underground station that was being used as a shelter from German bombing during World war II. It was here in this popular European city where he was born. 



Officially invented in May 1873 by two individuals, Levi and Jacob, they obtained a patent for this type of clothing that we all wear as casual attire by everyone of all ages. 

Jeans/blue Jeans 


Born on May 31st, this American actor and filmmaker got his start in Western films and made a name for himself in the 60s. He kept on acting through the years and decades, jumping from genre to genre, and eventually became an Academy award winning director. 

Clint Eastwood 


This is a floor between levels of a building that is used for increasing the floor area of the building without adding on to the building itself. Usually found in a theater, it's known as the middle floor. 



This man is responsible for creating the Star Wars universe based off a book written by Joseph Campbell. According to Campbell, a hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder. Who is this man? 

George Lucas 


Jerry was known for his tabloid TV show that ran for nearly 27 seasons, from 1991 to 2018. What people might have forgotten is that for two years in 2007 and 2008, he was a host of this reality competition show. What show was it? 

America's got talent. 


In May 1804, these two explorers began their trip up the Missouri River. Their expedition was President Thomas Jefferson's visionary project to explore the American West. 

Lewis and Clark 


Born on May 18th, This American actress and comedian has been pursing comedy since she was in the 8th grade. She became the first female head writer At Saturday night Live. She is also known for her own popular movie on 2004 and part of a cast that is considered one of the most successful American sitcoms in history (30 rock) 

Tina Fey


This is an absurd or comically exaggerated imitation of something, especially in a literary or dramatic work such as a parody. It can be a variety show of entertainment that may include props, feathers, and fabulous costumes. 



In Star wars, what do they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy together?

The Force 


Before his talk show became popular, Jerry had a life in politics, as he was the mayor of this popular city, located in Ohio. What city? 


May celebrates a lot of different societies, such as mental health awareness, appreciation of nurses, and also national stroke awareness month. This month is also crucial of this medical disease, where the nerve cells break down and reduces function in the muscle. There is currently no cure as individuals go through medication and therapy. 

ALS awareness Month

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (water bucket challenge) 

Born on May 6th, this Austrian neurologist is one of the founders of psychoanalysis, a theory of how the mind works and a method of helping people in mental distress. He brought up the idea of the unconscious mind and the element of personality. 

Sigmund Freud


This is the fact or condition of holding, possessing, or residing in or on something. The act or fact of taking or having possession. It can also mean the act, state or condition of being or becoming a tenant.


When it comes to the box office, the many movies that this Franchise has created have made a lot of money. What are the top 3 Star wars films that made the most money? 

1. The Force Awakens- 2.5 billion 2015

2. The Empire Strikes back- 1.93 billion 1980 

3. A New Hope- 1.814 billion 1977 


Jerry Springer tried his luck in Hollywood as he stars as more or less himself in his only ever movie appearance in 1998. The movie depicted his life as a TV host and the struggles he goes through to control his guests. It ended up not doing well in Hollywood. What was the name of that movie? 

Ringmaster 1998