The Giver
Fahrenheit 451
Film Analysis

When the TV repair shows up at the home coincidentally at the beginning of the film, thunder begins to occur. What could this represent.

What is foreshadow


In pleasantville, David tells his friend that there is no homeless in pleasantville, how does this correlate to the giver.

There is no homeless in the community


Both films feature piles of objects being burnt. What are they.

What are books.


Comparably, what are some “forbidden” things that Jonas or other characters do in either The Giver novel or film, along with “forbidden” things that Montag or other characters do in Fahrenheit.

What is acts of rebellion


Non-colored people and colored begin to separate from each other which is an allusion to a certain time period where people were treated differently based off their color.

What is segregation


How do both films correlate based off the amount of information they know about their communities

They have very limited knowledge about them


Both firefighters in pleasantville and Fahrenheit seem to not do something as their job is intended 

Putting out fires.


What causes people to change from black and white to color. Similarly, what motivates both Montag and Jonas to “change” ?

What is a sense of individuality