People eat sushi in Japan.
Sushi is eaten in Japan.
The Eiffel Tower is visited by millions of tourists every year.
Sushi are eat in Japan.
Sushi is eaten in Japan.
They celebrate Carnival in Brazil.
Carnival is celebrated in Brazil.
The Taj Mahal is admired for its beauty.
The Taj Mahal is admire by millions of tourists.
The Taj Mahal is admired by millions of tourists.
People drink mate in Argentina.
Mate is drunk in Argentina.
Oktoberfest is celebrated with beer and traditional music.
Many languages spoke in Switzerland.
Many languages are spoken in Switzerland.
People fly kites during the Kite Festival in India.
Kites are flown during the Kite Festival in India.
The Day of the Dead is celebrated with colorful altars.
The Great Wall was construct over centuries.
The Great Wall was constructed over centuries
They build sand sculptures in the Sand Sculpture Festival in Portugal.
Sand sculptures are built in the Sand Sculpture Festival in Portugal.
The Great Wall is visited by thousands of people daily.
The Rio Carnival celebrated every year.
The Rio Carnival is celebrated every year.