What is the human body?
This person helps patients recover from injuries by improving movement and strength.
What is a physical therapist?
At what age does your brain finish developing?
What is ~ 25 years old? (20-25 range works)
How many years is medical school?
What is four years?
What is a Pokemon? (not hippocampus!)
When you pick up medicine at a pharmacy, this person checks the prescription, answers questions, and makes sure it's safe to take.
What is a pharmacist?
How much does the brain weigh?
What is 3 pounds?
What is the largest organ in the body?
What is the skin?
What is a Pokemon? (not cranium!)
This person tests blood to check for diseases.
What is a medical lab technician?
What is the name of a test used to take pictures of the brain?
What is an MRI or CT scan?
What is an increasingly common cause of lung damage in teenagers?
What is vaping?
What is a Pokemon? (not tympanic membrane!)
This person takes emergency calls and sends ambulances.
What is a 911 dispatcher?
A person suddenly experiences slurred speech, weakness or numbness on one side of the body, and difficulty seeing in one or both eyes, lasting longer than a few minutes.
What is a stroke?
How many chambers are there in the heart?
What is four?
What is the human body?
These advanced nurses can prescribe medicine, and take care of patients in many healthcare settings—sometimes even running their own clinics!
What is a nurse practitioner?
What is the function of the cerebellum?
What is balance and coordination?
What was the first antibiotic discovered and used?
What is penicillin?