What is a rule for Snacks?
No Sharing food unless you're siblings
This Kidszone game is popular for the kindergartners!
Andys coming
You are NOT allowed to do this when on the playground
Climb up the slide / Jump off the play structure
what should you do if someone has something they shouldnt Ex. something sharp or dangerous.
Walk away from the situation and quickly notify staff.
This should not be out at kidzone
This rule makes sure staff can see you!
If you cant see staff, staff cant see you
Explain the rules of Banana ball
players must stay in bounds while another players has the ball. The player with ball must only take 3 steps and try and hit other players knees and below!
What number handball wall should kids not be past without asking
The 2nd wall!
An intruder has entered campus what do you think you should do?
Listen to staff instruction very carefully! it is important that you have your listening ears on so that staff can give instructions.
Hands on top!
That means Stop!
This rule makes sure the room is clean!
1 piece of trash = 1 min of time
this game requires you to dig in you're bag
Backpack scavenger hunt
You do this when you need to go grab something from the room
Ask Staff
If someone Is hurt what should you do
First ask if they are okay, If they aren't find someone to stay with them while you go find a staff member! If no one is around to help Quickly go get staff yourself.
kids call us this, but it is NOT our name
another way to say no hitting
Keep your hands to yourself!
who's missing
name your favorite outside activity
free points !
Where do we evacuate?
The field!
Name ALL Kidzone sites
Eastvale, Rosa parks, Rondo, Reagan, Clara Barton
you should always be this way towards staff and others
This is a game requires you to get across the room without getting tagged
Sharks and minnows
This is the Most important Rule!
Include others in games and activities
What questions do you have about safety?
Name eastvale Kidszone staff names
Ms Lauryn, Mr Kenneth, Ms nneka