This picture shows the California ________fire.
Wildfire (山火事)(yama kaji)
"It's important to _____ plastic."
to recycle (リサイクルする)
We have to reduce p______ to save the planet.
Pollution (汚染)(osen)
What country causes the MOST pollution?
This picture shows how _____ spills affect marine animals.
Oil spills (油流出)(abura ryushutsu)
"Would you like to ____ the river with me?"
to clean (掃除する)(soji suru)
The 3 R's are "Reduce, ______, Recycle"
What kind of recycling does Japan lead in?
PET bottles
The Ganges river has no life because it is polluted with ________.
Trash/Garbage/Litter (ゴミ)
"It is encouraged to ____ your own bag to reduce plastic waste."
to bring (持ってくる)(mottekuru)
An alternative to gas vehicles is __________ vehicles.
Electric (電気)(denki)
What country recycles the MOST?
Germany (ドイツ)
Melting ice is cause by global ________.
Global warming (地球温暖化)(chikyu ondan-ka)
"Turn off the tap to ______ water."
to Save/Conserve water (水を節約する)(mizu o setsuyaku suru)
The Sustainable Development Goals have ____ steps.
What country recycles the LEAST?
Pollution from factories causes _____ rain.
Acid rain
"Do you want to _____ trees? It helps fight deforestation."
Plant trees (木を植える)(ki o ueru)
The #1 pollutant in the world is _____ emissions.
CO2/carbon dioxide
What country causes the LEAST pollution?
Norway (ノルウェー)