(Adjective) A kind and pleasant manner towards others
A scout is Friendly
What is the scout oath?
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
What is the first step when you see someone injured?
Assess the situation
What is the Troop 566 cheer?
566, Looking good!
Who was/were the last SPL(s)?
(Adjective) Using money and other resources carefully and not wasteful
A scout is Thrifty
How many Ranks are there?
(Scouts, Tenderfoot, Second class, First class, Star, Life, Eagle)
How do you treat a first-degree burn?
Cool the burn under running water for 10-15 minutes, then cover it with a bandage
What summer camp does Troop 566 go to every summer?
Camp Hi Sierra
How many merit badges are required for eagle?
A total of 21 merit badges; 14 eagle required and 7 other.
(Adjective) Free of dirt and filth, along with a scouts surrounding environment and life style.
A Scout is Clean
What is the outdoor code?
As an American, I will do my best to: Be clean in my outdoor manners, Be careful with fire, Be considerate in the outdoors, and Be conservation-minded
How do you treat a second-degree burn?
Cool the burn under running water for 10-15 minutes, apply moleskin if blistering
Which scout is this?
(Hint: It's an adult leader)
Mr. O
What is the date of the woodfires campout?
Jan 11-12
(Adjective) Courageous and not afraid to do what's right, not afraid to stand up for what they believe in
A scout is Brave
When did Scouts begin?
What does RICE stand for?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What campout do we go to every year?
What patrol were Ankur Mihir and Nico a part of originally?
(Adjective) feeling or showing deep and solemn respect
A scout is Reverent
Who was the guy who is considered "Scouting's Father?"
Lord Batten Powell
What are the 5 signs of cardiac arrest?
Chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, sweating, lightheadedness
What year was Troop 566 founded?
April 1961
How many high adventure camps are there?
Philmont (New Mexico)
Northern Tier (Minnesota)
Sea Base (Florida)
Summit Bechtel Reserve (West Virginia)