Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
What is AAC?
3 literary types of people
What is preliterate, nonliterate, literate?
What are gestural behaviors that can be translated, or defined, by a few words or a phrase and that can be used without speech to convey messages?
Selection Set
What is includes the visual, auditory, and tactile presentation of all messages, symbols, and codes that are available at one time to a person who relies on AAC
Types of AAC teams
What is: Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
"The person who is deaf", "The child with autism", "The person with a cochlear implant"
What is "people-first" language?
Needed to communicate essential messages necessary to cover an individuals basic communication needs
What is coverage vocabulary?
emphasize word or phrase depict referent or spatial relationship depict pacing of event illustrate verbal statement through repetition/substitution
What are illustrators?
Physical Characteristics of Selection Set Displays
What is Number of Items Size Spacing and Arrangement of Items Orientation of Display
Forming skills Functioning skills Formulating skills Fermenting skills
What is: Practicing, Monitoring, and Processing Interpersonal Skills
D physical, sensory, or mental condition that substantially limits one or more of a person's life activities
What is a disability?
Words that the individual does not yet know and are selected to encourage language and vocabulary growth
What is developmental vocabulary?
Tangible symbols may also be constructed by selecting shapes and textures that can be ______________ with a referent. _____________, a subtype of artificial symbols, may be either logically or arbitrarily associated with their referents.
What is: artificially associated and textured symbols?
Types of Synthesized Speech
What is Text to Speech Digitized Speech Combination Speech
Discussing individual philosophies, goals, roles, and needs Identifying learning and work-style needs Agreeing on mutual team goals Creating positive resource, role, task, and reward interdependence
What is positive interdependence?
A barrier or problem created by society or the environment
What is a handicap?
Messages selected for nonliterate AAC users are nearly always chosen from a _________ rather than a developmental perspective.
What is functional perspective?
The principles and strategies for combining symbols enable expression of thoughts not on the communication board. The symbols are conceptually based and constructed using consistent, systematic rules.
What are Blissymbolics?
Rate of speech Output methods Noise Nonnative speakers of English Older adults with hearing loss Practice Synthetic speech via telephone
What is: Factors Affecting Speech Intelligibility?
Areas of expertise for an AAC team
What is: Speech-Language Pathology Medicine Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Engineering Education Psychology Social Services Vocational Counseling Computer Technology
A visual, auditory and/or tactile representation of conventional concepts
What is a symbol?
Words or messages that occur so frequently and are so lengthy that the use of an encoding strategy to retrieve them results in substantial keystroke savings for the AAC user.
What is message acceleration?
This is not an [AAC] system itself, but rather an organizational approach to the teaching of language and communication, which can be combined with any modality
What is Makaton Vocabulary?
Visual Input
What is: Unaided Symbols Aided Symbols
Use of ________________ to evaluate functional outcomes of AAC, particularly those revealing evidence of increased participation and enhanced quality of life. Such measures should be useful to, and valued by, the individual who uses AAC and/or significant others in his/her daily life.
What is evidenced-based practices?