This is how you do what you do in the workplace. It’s the sum of your formal and informal systems and behaviors and values, all of which create an experience for your employees and customers.
Company culture
This Levelsetter implemented Wolf Shirt Wednesday in 2016, encouraging the company (specifically the revenue org) to wear Wolf Shirts on the last Wednesday of the month.
John Weirich
This is given to a salesperson who hits $100k in revenue.
Engraved bat
This Friday afternoon meeting was deemed "the best meeting at Levelset" by Scott Wolfe in 2017.
The Chuddle = chat + huddle
Studies confirm that employee happiness translates into employee efficiency, creativity and productivity. This, in turn, has the same effect on _______.
This team brought back the 90s by celebrating the cultural phenomenon of Furbies.
After each 5-star review, a photo of this flawless individual is put up on the wall in the Josephine office.
Taylor Swift
This device was used to generate a various amount of sounds during The Chuddle: including applause, drumrolls, and screaming effects.
The sound machine
In this type of culture, when employees experience inclusive leadership behaviors and systems, they are better poised to speak up, share ideas and adapt to change.
Culture of innovation
Be careful on your first few weeks, this executive will most definitely ask you who your top 5 favorite Levelsetters are.
Gretchen Lynn (Janice)
Erin Classen took ownership of this function in 2018; creating its own metrics, sync, and Mrs. Doubtfire related emojis.
Outbound Support
These prizes were given out during The Chuddle to the people with the fastest chat response time, highest survey score, and best Chat Chomment. They were definitely not Mardi Gras throws.
____% of job seekers consider a company’s culture and values the most important factor when considering career opportunities.
By enlisting in this group dedicated to helping our customers first and fast, you have the opportunity to earn yourself a Muppet Baby.
The Charmy = chat + army
Based on the 2019 hit by Ariana Grande, this initiative for live support was based on how many emails could be resolved in 30 minutes or less.
thank u, desk
"The ____ _____ you get is the _____ _____ you get!"
Muppet Baby
______ culture is mainly focused on teamwork. In this type of culture, relationships, participation, and company morale are at the forefront.
This Levelsettter is our CEO (Chief Emoji Officer)
Nate Emmerson
This employee engagement initiative forced people to get out of their chairs and spring into action, triggered by Beyonce's "Ring the Alarm."
The Y.A.S.S. Challenge
"Ok, y'all, now this is the best part. No wait! The ____ _____ is the best part!"
whole thing