Declaration of Independence
Guess your peer

Where did Hamilton spend his childhood?


As Aaron Burr sings in the opening number of the musical, Hamilton was "dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by Providence."


Why does Reverend Hale go to the Proctors' house the night Elizabeth is arrested?

To see if they're both good Christians


What is ironic about the setting in the story?

This happens to take place in summer, which is typically a time of joy and happiness


List the "Unalienable Rights"

Life ,Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness


He plays football

He quiet

He likes to read books 



What does Eliza do after Alexander makes his affair public?

Burn her letters


Who has "have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth. Believe me, sir, you never saw more hearty babies born. And yet, each would wither in my arms the very night of their birth?"

Mrs. Putnam


 How does Old Man Warner feel about the lottery? What is his response to the north village no longer having a lottery?

He feel as if the lottery is necessary and criticize progression and blames the termination of the lottery in the north village on young people


How many people signed the Declaration of Independence?


Fifty-six people signed it from all thirteen colonies. Some are more famous than others, but all knew that they could be killed for signing it.


She is funny and weird in her own way always entertains my foolishness and change her hair color every week



Who gets romantically involved with the wife of a British soldier?

Arron Burr

After Laurens teases him, Burr admits that he is having an affair with Theodosia Bartow Prevost, the wife of a British officer.


What kind of government does Salem have in The Crucible?



 Explain the symbolism of the black box and elaborate on the symbolism of the box’s battered condition.

The black box holds the “winning” paper that will result in someone’s death. The box is black to symbolize the approaching death and the battered condition symbolizes the stoning that will ensue after the lottery.


What was NOT one of the "inalienable rights" proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence?

Free speech

Inalienable rights are rights that are given to individuals and cannot be taken away from them. The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states that the inalienable rights given the Americans are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This line is considered the preamble to the Declaration of Independence.


He is funny my joke buddy 

We keep y'all entertained 

He knows everybody and is a chill person



Who is the first character to die onstage in Hamilton?

The Bullet

A member of the Hamilton ensemble plays a character called "The Bullet" who represents death's slow march towards Hamilton throughout the show and interacts with characters in key moments of foreshadowing. The Bullet herself is killed after King George III's number "You'll Be Back," when she's discovered acting as a spy. She first acts as a bullet coming for Alexander at the start of the song "Stay Alive". Fired by a redcoat soldier, the bullet narrowly misses Hamilton as he's writing correspondence about their dire position in the war.


Which commandment does John Proctor forget when Reverend Hale quizzes him?

Thou shalt not commit adultery


 Mr. Summers asks, “Watson boy drawing this year?” Watson responded, “I’m drawing for my mother and me.” In a town that thrives on tradition and family structure what can you infer about the father in the Watson family?

 Mr. Watson may have “won” last year's lottery.


Which signer of the Declaration of Independence was charged with committing treason because of the role he played in leading the Boston Tea Party?

Samuel Adams

Adams was vocal in his opposition of the taxes trying to be levied on the colonists by the British Parliament. He actively fought against the Stamp Act and Sugar Act. In 1773 Britain decided to tax tea that was being sold in the America. Even with the tax, the price of tea was cheaper in America than in Britain, but Adams led a revolt to stop the tax because he did not want England to set a precedent allowing Parliament the right to impose taxes on Americans. This compelled Adams and the "Sons of Liberty" to board three British ships that were anchored in Boston Harbor, and disguised as Native Americans; dump the British tea into the sea. The "Boston Tea Party" led to Adams being charged with treason and the order was given to arrest him with force if necessary. He was never caught and Adams continued to be a leader in the fight for American independence.


She keep us up in Jones class

She always sleep

She is funny

She never here

She chill



How many of the 85 essays in The Federalist Papers does Alexander write?

51 papers

BURR: Alexander joins forces with James Madison and John Jay to write a series of essays defending the new United States Constitution, entitled The Federalist Papers. The plan was to write a total of twenty-five essays, the work divided evenly among the three men. In the end, they wrote eighty-five essays in the span of six months. John Jay got sick after writing five. James Madison wrote twenty-nine. Hamilton wrote the other fifty-one!


What does Reverend Parris fear?

That his opponents will use the accusations of witchcraft against him


Black is a symbol representing evil or death. Sunlight is a symbol representing joy and happiness. How are symbolic meanings used in this story?

What starts out as a bright and peaceful summer day later unfolds into a twisted stoning event.


Who inspired the words that were written in the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke

Thomas Jefferson used some of the words from John Locke's writings in the Declaration of Independence. For instance, John Locke used the phrase 'life, liberty, and property' in the second chapter of his book "Second Treatise of Government". Thomas Jefferson changed the last line and wrote in the Declaration of Independence 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. George Mason, delegate for the state of Virginia, also used a line similar to John Locke's when he wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights.


He is a Basketball player 

He stay eating food 

Quiet when he want to be

Anger issues .......
