What is the meaning of the following nouns?
le recyclage, recycler, polluer, les arbres, le bois, le metal, le plastique
recycling, to recycle, to pollute, trees, wood, metal, plastic
What are the three modal verbs?
vouloir, pouvoir, devoir
to take out the bin
sortir la poubelle
Verbs that typically are performed to oneself and contain a reflexive pronoun
What are the following in French: public transport, atmospheric pollution, to protect the forests
les transports en commun, la pollution atmospherique, proteger les forets
What do the three modal verbs mean in English?
vouloir: to want
devoir: must/have to
pouvoir: can/be able to
to feed the animals and to tidy one's room
donner a manger aux animaux, ranger sa chambre
What are the reflexive pronouns that correspond with je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles?
me, te, se, nous, vous, se
What are the following in English? voitures, le papier, le carton, respirer
cars, paper, cardboard, to breathe
What are all the conjugations of vouloir and pouvoir?
veux, veux, veut, voulons, voulez, veulent, peux, peux, peut, pouvons, pouvez, peuvent
to vacuum, to mop
passer l'aspirateur, passer la serpilliere
What is the meaning of the following in English? se reveiller, se lever, se laver
to wake up, to get up, to wash up
What are the following in French: factories, to turn off the light, petrol
les usines, eteindre la lumiere, le petrole
What are all the conjugations of devoir?
dois, dois, doit, devons, devez, doivent
household chores, to prepare dinner
les taches menageres, preparer le diner
How would you say the following in French? to get dressed, to shower, to shave
s'habiller, se doucher, se raser
What are the following in French: rubbish, bike tracks, trees, global warming
Other than saying "on doit" or "nous devons," what is another expression we can use to say "it's necessary to?"
Il faut
to set the table, to clear the table, to clean the kitchen, to do the laundry, to do the dishes
mettre la table, debarrasser la table, nettoyer la cuisine, faire la lessive, faire la vaisselle
Translate these two sentences: I wash up.
I wash the car.
Je me lave.
Je lave la voiture