Now We're Cooking!
Tea and Biscuits?
Don't Eat the Plants

This seed is ground into a yellowish condiment that tastes great on hot dogs. Also, it might fight lung cancer.

What is mustard?


This substance derived from coffee berries, black tea leaves, and some white and green tea leaves, has been used for thousands of years to increase mental alertness, treat headaches, and improve respiratory function

What is caffeine?


In the late 1700s the british navy began carrying large supplies of this fruit on their ships after realizing that daily doses of vitamin C could prevent sailors from contracting scurvy, a disease which at the time was often fatal.

What is limes? or 

What is lemons?


This fruit was eaten medicinally by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs for over 32 purposes, including stomach aches, skin rashes and arthritis.  Today the same fruit is used to treat join pain with a variety of pharmaceutical creams bearing names like "Capzasin", "Capzix" and "Zostrix"

What are chili peppers?


This sweet, sticky, sappy substance is traditionally used to alleviate stomach aches, coughs, promote wound healing and fight infection.  It is also the only food that does not spoil, and certain bears are very fond of it.

What is honey?


This cactus like plant grows throughout the American southwest and is used topically as an ointment for rashes, burns, cure baldness and to promote wound healing - it is also eaten at times to help stomach aches, reduce blood sugar. It's been shown to actually help all of the above except baldness.

What is Aloe?


This spice is ground from a root native to Asia.  It has been traditionally to promote circulation, reduce inflammation and help digestion. Today it's known to actively fight cancer cells, and it's tasty with cookies in a snap.

What is ginger?


This green tea may taste like grass but it's actually made from pulverizing Jade Leaf Tea and has historically been used to improve heart health, fight colds and flus, reduce inflammation, and increase mental awareness.  Today you can get it in your tea, your latte, or your smoothie, but it still tastes like grass. 

What is Maccha?


Oil from this tree is added to petroleum jelly to create a strong decongestent and vasoactive cream used for every single thing that can go wrong

What is Camphor? 

(Will also accept What is Vick's VapoRub)


This spice, made from dried leaves of the Origanum species, tastes good in spaghetti sauce and has been found to help alleviate upset stomach and bronchitis

What is oregano?


Tea made from this plant has been used to improve digestion, treat stomach aches, help inflammation and fight of colds, flus, and respiratory infections.  The plant's oil is used to make a small round red and white striped candy.

What is peppermint?


The bark from this tree has been used for thousands of years to treat headaches, arthritis, and promote circulation.  Today it is used to make aspirin.

What is the willow?


This ancient spice, mentioned in the bible and documented in ancient Egypt, has a distinct aroma and has been used as a traditional treatment for high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and even some forms of cancer

What is Cumin


Tea made from this plant has been used for millenium to reduce anxiety, calm frazzled nerves, and help people get to sleep

What is Chamomile?


This flower seen frequently in the pacific northwest is highly poisonous resulting in hallucinations, vomiting, and cardiac arrest. The drug digoxin, used to treat rapid heart rate and heart failure, is derived from extremely low amounts of the plant. 

What is foxglove?