I'll tell a tale tale tale tale
of Maccabees in Yisrael
What empire did we defeat on channukah?
The Greeks
What ingredient do we use in most of our recipes on Chanukah?
People Menorah (10 people needed from both teams)
the fastest team to use themselves as the pieces of the menorah and make a menorah wins!!!
Which teacher has 26k followers on instagram?
Rabbi Schlusselberg
A frying pan some oil for
the latke recipe
On which Hebrew date does Chanukah begin?
25th of Kislev
Hebrew word for latke?
Airplane Game (5 needed from both teams)
each team has color-coordinated paper which they make into paper airplanes and will one at a time try to throw them the longest. The person who throws the airplane the longest gets their team a win!!! (tie breaker: throw again until we have a winner!!!)
Name a teacher in the high school who's spouse also works in the school
Rabbi Sharbat, Mrs Orenshein
Yevanim nikbetzu alai
azai biy'mei chashmanim
What was the purpose of the oil that was found in the Chanukah story?
To light the menorah in the Beit Hamikdash
What does the word Gelt mean?
Balloon pass (10 Players needed from both teams)
Take all the balloons and pass it from the back to the front of line. It must go from each player to the next. If you cheat your team loses the competion :( First team to complete this will win!!!
Before coming to Kushner, this teacher worked in IT for many years
Mr. Bank
You know what I want ya, (What you want?)
I want a puppy for Hannukah
Who was the king during the chanukah story?
Why do we use oil in our foods onm Chanukah?
to remember the miracle of the oil which lasted for 8 days
Mummy wrapping (2 needed from both teams)
One person is the wrapper and one is the mummy. The first to completely wrap their teammate in wrapping paper by using all the wrapping paper given will win!!!
Which teacher was a professor at Adelphi University?
Ms. Kohl
Yemei Ha'Chanukah Chanukat mikdasheinu
Begil uvesimchah, Nemaleh et libeinu
What are the three of the names of the five sons of Mattathias, the leader of the Maccabean revolt?
Judah, Shimon, Yochanan, Eleazar, Yonatan
What type of chocolate does the gold rapper on the gelt usually signify?
Milk chocolate
Dreidel spin off (5 from each team needed)
At the same time the 5 pairs will face off. Best of 5 wins!!!
Which teacher studied the dead sea scrolls while they attended UCLA
Rabbi Avishur