Parts of Speech 1
Parts of Speech 2
Parts of Speech 3
Parts of Speech 4
Parts of Speech 5

What is an attention getter AND when is it used in a speech?

An attention getter is a way to capture the audience's attention (aka hook).

It is used at the beginning of a speech/introduction. 


What does it mean to give an extemporaneous speech?

Well prepared, natural delivery, brief notes, not read or memorized word for word. 


Define jargon.

Technical language. 


Define slang. Give an example. 

Informal language. Examples: slay, sus, bro, etc. 


What is external noise? Give an example. 

External noise is noise that is environmental. Examples: airplane flying overhead, motorcycle driving by, phone ringing, etc. 


What is audience analysis and the purpose?

Audience analysis is analyzing your audience (age, interests, careers, etc.). The purpose is to understand the audience you are speaking to so you can tailor your message. 


Speaking with your body is considered what kind of communication?

Nonverbal (posture, gestures, space, etc.)


What are pauses

A pause is a break in a speech so your audience can take a moment to absorb the material. 


What is the purpose of a conclusion in a speech?

To summarize, provide final remarks, etc. 


What is the purpose of an introduction?

To capture your attention and introduce the topic and structure. 


What are logos?

Logos is building up logical arguments.


What are ethos?

Ethos is establishing your credibility to your audience.  


What are pathos?

Appealing to the audience's emotions and feelings. 


When are acronyms allowed to be used in your speech?

Once you have defined.  


How does volume impact a speech?

Volume determines whether your audience can successfully hear your speech so without maintaining your volume you lose connection. 


How many main points are typically in a speech? And why do you think main points are important?

Typically a speech would contain 2-3 main points. They are important so the speech has focus and structure. 

Like, um, uh, and, "you know," are examples of what type of language?

Fillers. Fillers are the unnecessary words we "fill" in our speech when we are transitioning or thinking of the next comment. 


If you are scanning your audience you are accomplishing excellent ____ contact?

Eye Contact.


If vocal variety is present throughout your speech, how are you speaking?

Vocal variety is your voice naturally varying through messages. 


What is internal noise?

Noise that is created internally by our thoughts, problems, etc. 


Define organizational pattern.

Organizational pattern is the structure in which your speech is written. 


Why does your rate of speech matter?

It creates mood/emotion and easy to follow.


If I was speaking in a timeline what order/ organizational pattern would I be applying?


Give an example of a general purpose/goal in a speech.

To entertain, motivate, persuade, inform, etc. 


If the preparation, composure, and topic creativity were below average do you think it would be an impactful speech? Why?

No. Impact relies on the speaker being prepared, having energetic composure and unique topic creativity. If those components are missing you have a disconnected speech.