what limited fish is from the thanksgiving event?
The Turkey
what fish is the easiest to catch?
sockeye salmon
what is parmesan?
its cheese
what events happen every hour? (hour and 10 min)
orca migration and sunken chests
what is the bestiary used for?
fisch's pokedex
(collecting fish)
how many limiteds are in the valentines update?
what fish can you catch in the vertigo whirlpool that are from vertigo?
isonade and depths key
what is parmesan stored in?
what are the most uselest events?
fish abundences
what are the 2 newests bestiary section with 8 fish
grand reef and atlantian storm
what was the first limited event?
what fish costs money to get in vertigo?
night shrimp
what holiday is parmesan cheese most popular on?
parmesan cheese day
where does the whale shark event spawn?
by the entrance to desolate deep
how many sections are in the bestiary?
how many limited fish are there?
what is the rarest fish in moosewood? (exluding mutations and rod boosts)
exalted relic
what is parmesan meant to be on?
what events can give you secret fish?
orca migration and kraken hunt
?what is the 30th section in the bestiary
brine pool
what fish should be limited?
what are all the fish from in-game events (excluding event fish and fish abundences)
kracken, ancient kracken, megalodon, ancient megalodon, phantom megalodon, orca, ancient orca, great hammerhead shark, great white shark, whale shark
what properties does parmesan have with buttered waffles?
they are both food
what event has a 3% every time the day changes?
shiny surge
how many patties are on daves doubles?