Jesus' last command to his disciples.
What is make disciples of all nations and baptize them
The character is known as the dark knight
who is BATMAN
A type of charisma or charm
The number of stomachs a cow has
What is four.
This person wrote the song "Not like Us"
Who is Drake
The first plague of 10 in egypt.
What is water turned into blood.
The movie with the quote "May the force be with you"
The king of costco chicken bake
What is big justice
A group of crows is known as
What is a murder.
The capital of France
What is Paris.
The protector of the garden of eden.
What is a cherubim and a flaming sword
The three actors that have played spiderman.
Who is Andrew Garfield, Toby Maguire and Tomm Holland
A term used to describe a male social maverick (someone cool)
Who is Sigma
The continent that is the home to naked mole rats
What is Africa.
This russian author wrote the book war and peace
Leo Tolstoy
God's first words to man
What is "Be fruitful and multiple"
The best movie in 2024 (IMDB)
What is Dune Part Two
Who is Ninja
The only mammal that cannot taste sweetness
What are cats.
This element has the highest atomic number that occurs naturally.
What is uranium
Which king's name meant peaceful
Who is King Solomon
The highest grossing superhero movie filmed in Toronto (DC)
What is Suicide Squad
The sunshine
LeBron James
The name of a female donkey
What is a Jenny.
The greek goddess of hearth, home and hospitality.
Who is Hestia