Sometimes referred to as the "startle reflex". It occurs when a newborn is startled by a noise or sudden movement.
Moro Reflex
An automatic body response to a stimulus controlled by the lower-brain centers that govern involuntary processes such as heart rate and breathing.
Object Permanence
6 to 9 months
A shared system of meaning that includes the values, beliefs, and practices of a particular group.
Failure to Thrive
When you stroke the infant's palm, the hand will close tightly.
Palmar Grasp Reflex
The order in which a child is able to perform new movements.
Motor sequence
Infants at this age start to show judgment.
3 to 6 months
When the infant attends to the same event or objects as the caregiver.
Joint attention
Shaken Baby Syndrome
This reflex causes infants to move their heads toward anything that brushes their faces.
Rooting Reflex
Intentional signals a baby uses to influence other people in their environment.
Preverbal gestures
Children enjoy playing pat-a-cake and peekaboo games.
12 to 18 months
An attachment behavior that happens when a child protests because a familiar caregiver is leaving.
Separation anxiety
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
With this reflex, when you stroke the sole of the foot on the outside from the heal to toe, the toes will fan out and curl and the foot twists in.
Babinski Reflex
The understanding that objects continue to exist even if the infant cannot see them.
Object permanence
Pretending starts to be part of a child's world at this stage.
18 to 24 months
Refers to the quality and intensity of a person's emotional reactions.
"doggie bark"
telegraphic speech (two word phrases)
Stepping or Walking Reflex
A single word and gesture combined to express a complete thought.
During this time, infants do not distinguish between themselves and the objects around them.
Birth to 3 months
Watching another person's behavior and then acting out that behavior later.
Deferred Imitation
American Academy of Pediatrics