Society's rules that may be different in some ways depending on the culture.
What is a norm
The concept of "dialectics"
What is 2 opposing ideas can be true at the same time. There's always more than 1 way of seeing a situation. Change is the only constant, and it is transactional. We are all interconnected.
Yin-Yang Model
What is: absolute, limiting beliefs that we have about happiness, e.g., there's a mathematical equation to happiness; happiness should be constant; happiness is an end.
What is
A person's principles or standards of behavior
One's judgment of what is important in life
Strongly held beliefs that guide our behavior, and how we judge others
Toxic positivity
What is the belief that people should keep a positive mindset no matter how dire or difficult a situation may be. It rejects all difficult emotions in favor of a cheerful and often falsely positive facade.
What is the ABCDE model:
A - Accept the situation
B - Believe in possibilities
C - Commit to achievable goals
D - Discover new resources and solutions
E - Evaluate progress and enjoy it.
Happiness-seeking, or life enhancing techniques.
An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
Genuine or Tragic Optimism
What is creativity, experience, and attitude.
Types of boundaries
T or F: Norms can vary from culture to culture
What is true.
Double-vision strategy
Three levels of meaning
A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past conflict.
What is a grudge.
The big lies
What are limiting beliefs: statements that are absolute, and deterministic. They lack truth, and can make a person feel down. E.g., money can buy happiness.
What is only when we redirect our focus from self-interest to something bigger than ourselves can we experience meaning in life. It represents the highest level of personal development.
Signs of excess of yin and yang energy
What is: Yin - oversleeping, overthinking, apathy, slow thinking, overeating
Yang - anger, restlessness, violence, insomnia, addictions, reckless behavior, hyperactivity.
Self-awareness and a positive self-concept can lead to this.
What is personal growth, better decision-making, better interpersonal experiences, and better understanding of our experiences and others.