What organization monitors Humanitarian Law?
The International Committee of the Red Cross
The Red Cross' primary mission is to ____ human suffering.
A. support
B. limit
C. increase
D. reverse
B, limit
The Red Cross receives government funding.
False. We are an independent organization free of political influence.
What armed conflict inspired the Geneva Conventions of 1949?
World War II
YES !!!!!
When did four Geneva Conventions take place?
Who's the founder of the American Red Cross?
Clara Barton
The Red Cross makes no discrimination against ____.
Acceptable answers: nationality, race, religion, class political affiliation
What year was the Red Cross established?
How many hours of volunteer service do you need to be considered a member of the Red Cross at your high school?
20 hours per year of service
Why did the Geneva Convention come together?
it addressed inhumanities of World War II
The Red Cross is an exclusively American organization.
Will the Red Cross take the side of the aggressor, or the victim in conflicts?
NEITHER. We help anyone in need of humanitarian aid.
What document protects the Red Cross Symbol from free use?
Geneva Conventions
Which calendar should you search for volunteer shifts in?
The youth calendar !!
What did the Geneva Convention protect?
civilians, medics, and prisoners of war from excessive harm
The Red Cross developed the first civilian ____ donation program in the 1940s
How many Red Cross societies are there per nation?
The Red Cross adopted its logo from hospitals.
False (if you can explain which hospitals use the cross, you can earn back a point)
Acceptable answers: Emma Edges, Deborah Tompkins, Elly Zhang, Jeeline Martinez, Delainie Nichols
What is the punishment for violating the Geneva Convention?
There is no official punishment
Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, universality
What's the symbol used by the Red Cross, BESIDES the cross?
HINT: It's a partner organization
Red crescent
You should log volunteer hours for transportation to and from Red Cross headquarters.
True !!!