
When we use classroom supplies, eg colored pencils, rulers, glue, pencil sharpeners etc - where do we get them from and put them back?

We put them back where they came from. 


Can we have shoes on in the pod?



What should you say to the staff who are serving you food?

Please and thank you!


What does EVERYONE need to be able to go out on the playground at recess?

a hat and shoes :)


When using scrap paper, do we put it back in the scrap paper if we have used it?

No, please keep things in your tray, or throw it out once it has been used.


When we are on the floor for a lesson, should we be rolling around, lying on the floor, talking or playing games with our friends?

No, this is a learning space and we need to stay focused and be an active listener


When we go get our Ipads, how many people can get their ipads at a time, and what should our noise be?

5 at a time, we should be silent, wait your turn (no pushing)!


How do we walk up and down the middle school stairs?

SILENTLY! Keeping to the left, we walk quickly.


Can you play tag in the corridors?

No, this is a walking space only


If you are put in a group with people who aren't your friends, what should you do? List 3 things

Be open-minded and inclusive, share your thoughts, ideas and opinions, contribute positively and equally, provide a space for everyone to feel comfortable contributing, be mindful of your tone when speaking to people, sit in a way that everyone can be seen and heard


What is the purpose of a brain break? List 3 reasons

To have a break from thinking, refresh our minds, movement and burning energy, so we can come back and refocus, to relax


What types of voices should we have in the pod during class time?

Whisper voices only when asking questions, no chit chat.


True or false:
1. I can eat while walking around
2. I can walk around and chat with different people when I am finished eating
3. I can go and get a drink from the water fountain in the middle of lunch

1. False - please stay seated while eating
2. False - stay seated for the duration of lunch, except when getting seconds or at the end when clearing your plate
3. False - bring your drink bottle with you and fill it up on the balcony before walking to lunch :)


If you are feeling upset or angry, or just need a break, what can you do?

Go to the calm down space, ask a teacher to help you with some calm down strategies, go to a quiet place like the library and read.


When we line up on the balcony, what should we do?

1. Shoes on
2. Line up quietly

3. Get any materials needed (eg hat, water bottle, ipads etc)


Before we go home for the afternoon how should the floor look and how should our desks look?

Floor - pillow against the wall, bean bags in the against the wall, blue seats around the table, floor is clean!

Desks - nothing on your desk but your name tag, supply cubby, chairs tucked in, everything off the floor


What are some things about the bathrooms that we need to remember?

Only 1 person at a time, this is not a social space, keep it clean and dry, flush!


Can you go back for seconds when there is still food on your plate? Can you take more than 1 fruit/dessert when other people haven't had any?

No, you need to finish things on your plate before getting seconds. You must only have 1 fruit/dessert and wait until you are called up for seconds.


Can people sit in different spots for snack? Or should they always sit in exactly the same spot?

We can move spots and sit with different people on different days :)


When using our math satchels, what do we need to remember when it is time to pack up from math?

Make sure you have all of your papers, white board, white board markers, and math journal in your math satchel. Put your math satchel in the basket with the zipper sticking up and your name facing forward.


When we are moving about the classroom, how should we move?

We should be walking, taking care to respect other people's space.


When you are in the pod space working, what should you do when you are finished?

Put the furniture back to where it came from, take back any paper, pens or books you were using, make sure the bookshelf is tidy, check for any hats/hoodies etc


What do you do when you are ready to head downstairs to recess?

1. Raise your hand 2. Wait for a teacher to check that your table is clean 3. Take everything from your table and scrape your plate neatly into the bin 4. Put your plate and cutlery away 5. Wait in line on the left until it is time to walk downstairs


When we are walking around the school, what do we need to do?

Stay quiet and respect other classes who are learning, keep to the left, walk single file, move quickly and don't lag behind 


We have lots of flexible seating in the classroom eg Hoki stools, yoga balls, outside tables, bean bags, cushions etc. Often you will be allowed to choose where you work. What are some things we have to remember when using these? List at least 3 things to consider.

They are to HELP people learn and focus, everyone might want one, but not everyone needs one. You need to share these resources with other class members. They need to be looked after, don't be silly with them and break them. Make sure you are making the right choice for your learning, often this means choosing a place away from your friends.