"Luke Skywalker" uses the power of "The Force" for good, in order to finally his turn his father back to the "Light Side," in this 3rd film of the original "Star Wars" trilogy
"Return of the Jedi"
Going from Minnesota to California
#1. London, in this European country
United Kingdom
"March of the Penguins" is a 2005 documentary narrated by the actor seen here
Morgan Freeman
At a distance of 66 yards, the longest successful NFL field goal was performed by Justin Tucker in 2021 while he was the kicker for this NFL team, located in Baltimore, Maryland
The Ravens
"The Ides of March" marks the 15th date on the Gregorian Calendar, a date which has become infamous throughout history, as it was the day in which this Roman dictator was stabbed 23 times on the Senate Floor in 44 B.C.E
Julius Caesar
Just a reminder for all of the procrastinators out there, in the United States, tax returns are due on this particular date every year
April 15th
Going from Oregon to Florida
#2. Bali, in this country, located in Southeast Asia and Oceania, whose jurisdiction holds 17,508 islands
In 1938, this US President founded the "March of Dimes" as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
Franklin D Roosevelt
Seen here is King Louis XIV, the longest-reigning monarch in history, ruling for 72 years and 110 days. He took the throne at age four in 1643 and died in 1715, serving as king of this country
March 10th (Happy birthday to my brother), has been dubbed a day honoring this legendary video game character, as abbreviating the word "March" and added the number 10 to it "sort of" spells his name
Tim Burton's 1992 film "Batman Returns," starred the actress seen here, in her role as "Selina Kyle/ Catwoman"
Michelle Pfeiffer
Going from Texas to Massachusetts
#3. Located in the country of (according to Joyce, the "United Arab Amiright?") United Arab Eremites, home of the tallest building in the world, it's the Middle-Eastern city seen here
The alliterative nickname for NCAA basketball tournament in which many people fill out brackets in order to gamble on which teams will be in the "Final Four," and which team will ultimately win the championship
"March Madness"
At a whopping 102 Miles, the Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge is the largest bridge in the world, located in this Asian country
Although it has been confirmed to be just a myth, legend tells that St. Patrick was able to rid the creatures in order to protect the people of Ireland
Not just 1962 hit single by Elvis Presley, this 3 letter term refers to when someone rejects a letter, or any piece of mail, and requests to send it back to the person who initially mailed it, or if the resident has switched addresses
"Return to Sender"
Going from Manhattan, NY to Buffalo, NY
#4. Part of Italy, it's the island located south of the mainland, that is known for the creation of this type of pizza
Seen here is Union General of the American Civil War, William T Sherman (one of my favorite historical figures) who was dubbed by the enslaved peoples of the South as "A Second Moses," as he led his famous battle plan known as "Sherman's March to the Sea," in which he inflicted the concept of "Total War" on the Confederate-South, freeing every slave along his way, and bringing them with his troops to provide protection on a long journey to reach the coastal city of "Savannah," which is located in this Southern State
At 4 hours, 8 minutes and 53 seconds, Donnajean Wilde of Canada currently hold the record for the longest performance of this fitness-related position
Another March 10th Holiday honors this incredibly courageous former-slave, who helped free hundreds on enslaved people by using the "Underground Railroad"
Harriet Tubman
Maybe this is the "biased-based, nostalgic feelings" talking... but in 1996, "Mark Morrison" blessed our ears with one of the biggest "Bops" or "Bangers" or "Slaps" of a song (or whatever the cool kids are calling them now...) with his single, "Return of the" this
Going from Brockton, MA to Providence, RI
#5. When seeking foreign aid during the American Revolution, both Benjamin Franklin and John Adams were sent as ambassadors, to this famous European city, known as the "City of Light"
Arguably Mr. Joe's favorite band of all time, (I've mentioned them before in previous Jeopardy games...)
"When Johnny comes marchin' home again, hurrah, tala
He's comin' by bus or underground, hurrah, tala"
are the opening lyrics to the 1979 track recorded by the British band seen here
"The Clash"
With the longest life-span of an vertebrae (with some living up to 500 years) it's the species of shark seen here, named after this Danish territory located in North America, East of Canada (And the territory that Trump is currently trying to annex)
March 16th (3/16) is an unofficial "holiday" celebrating this legendary WWE Champion, who rose to fame in the late 1990's
"Stone Cold Steve Austin"