In the first line of the mishna what is the thing that it is talking about dividing?
How does Abayei answer the question?
Just as there is no half makkot there is also no half ruling.
How do the Tzedukim rule?
we don't kill edim zomemin until he is killed, as it says a soul for a soul.
What does Bribi teach?
When they did not murder we kill them,when they did murder we do not kill them
According to the mishna what do we not divide?
The 40 lashes
What is the first word of the gemara asking?
From where are these words
How do the Chachamim respond to the Tzedukim?
but doesn’t it say “do to him as he planned to do to his brother” and behold his brother exists!
Why does this not make sense?
Because if we kill the attempted murderer, shouldn't we kill the real murderer?????
What is an example of this case?
What's the question asked about this gemara?
What's the source for the ruling in mishna that we don’t divide lashes and do divide money
What does this pasuk say, and what pasuk is it?
A soul for a soul(devarim yud tet)
How do we not punish?
We do not punish based off of kal vachomer
How does this mishna rule in terms of splitting 40 lashes?
You are not allowed to split 40 lashes between two people. They should EACH get 40 lashes.
Who is the person that answers the question?
What is the new law in the mishna?
They are not killed until after the verdict.
Do we punish based off of logic?
No we do not
Summarize the whole mishna
This mishna is about whether you are able to split the cost of money, even though you can not split the ammount of lashes
What is the teirutz?
money is combined and lashes can not be combined.
Why do we have an extra word,what does it mean,and why do we have it?
The extra word is achi which, my brother, it's extra because it's not necessary in the text and there is no real reason why we have it.
Bribi is confused and also answers by saying...
“my son, isn’t this a kal vachomer?!