Hydration Basics
Dehydration Effects
Fluid Replacement Strategies
Special Considerations
Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia

This term describes the body's optimal total body water content.

What is euhydration? (Pg. 878)


This is the primary way the body loses water during exercise.

What is sweating? (Pg. 879)


This is the primary recommendation for hydration before exercise.

What is to begin exercise euhydrated? (Pg.884)


This environmental factor can blunt thirst perception, increasing dehydration risk.

What is cold weather? (Pg. 887


The primary cause of exercise-associated hyponatremia is this.

What is excessive fluid consumption during exercise? (Pg.878)


Lean body mass is typically composed of this percentage of water.

What is 73%? (Pg.881)


At what percentage of body mass loss does dehydration begin to impair performance?

What is 2%? (Pg.882)


Athletes should avoid gaining weight during exercise due to this medical risk.

What is exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH)? (Pg.878)


Fluid intake is especially critical for athletes with this genetic trait, which increases the risk of exertional sickling.

What is sickle cell trait? (Pg.887)


DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the minimum serum sodium level for diagnosing Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia.

What is 135 mmol/L? (Pg. 878)


These are later signs and symptoms of Hypohydration ( Must list at least 3)

What is thirst,gastrointestinal cramping, heat sensations or chills) and hyperhydration (eg, extremity swelling, altered mentation, mood changes, seizure) 



This condition occurs when a decrease in available body fluid limits vascular volume, reducing the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to muscles, the nervous system, and the cardiovascular system, ultimately leading to decreased performance and noticeable symptoms.

What is dehydration? (Pg.882)


What is one of the best ways to track hydration status over 24 hours?

What is measuring body mass changes? (Pg.884)


What factor can increase an athlete’s sweat rate and electrolyte loss?

What is heat acclimatization? (Pg 880)


What type of fluids most commonly cause hyponatremia (when the amount of sodium in your blood is too low ) when consumed in excess?

What are hypotonic fluids (including water and sports drinks)? (Pg.882)


Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These two major body compartments hold water in the body.

What are intracellular and extracellular compartments? (Pg.882)


DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These supplements have been extensively studied for their potential link to dehydration and muscle cramping in individuals actively consuming them.

What is creatine? (Pg.885)


Athletes should consume this percentage of lost fluids post-exercise to fully rehydrate.

What is 100-150%? (Pg.885)


This condition is often observed in patients with EAH, and while its true mechanisms remain unidentified, osmotic stress and excessive muscle breakdown may play a role.

What is exertional rhabdomyolysis (Pg.887)


Name three early symptoms of Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia (EAH).

What are headache, nausea, and dizziness? (Pg.887)


Name three physiological benefits of maintaining euhydration. Go back and make sure page is correct 

What are thermoregulation, cardiovascular function, and exercise performance? (Pgs. 877-878)


This condition impairs thermoregulation and cardiovascular function, increasing the risk of heat exhaustion and exertional heat stroke while reducing exercise performance and safety.

What is hypohydration? (Pg.881)


These factors should be considered when developing a hydration plan

What are sweat rate, environment, acclimatization, body size, exercise duration and intensity, individual fluid preferences, and tolerance? (Pg.880)


Daily double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

True or  Flase

Hydration status is important yet often difficult to assess accurately and reliably in athletic settings. 

TRUE.....Does your hand hurt yet?



Rapid sodium replacement is critical in severe cases of EAH to prevent this life-threatening condition.

What is brain swelling and respiratory failure? (Pg.877-878)