Area of Rectangles
Hodge Podge
Area of Triangles
Area of Compound Shapes
Real Life

What is the formula for finding area of a rectangle?

A = L x W


How many sides does a cube have?



Write the formula for finding area of a triangle

BH divided by 2   or 1/2B x H

Find the total area when a rectangle measures 6 ft wide and 12 ft. long; and a triangle has a base of 10 ft with a height of 4 ft.

A= L x W   6x12=72 ft2

BH/2    10 x 4= 40   40/2 = 20 ft2

Therefore,72+20 = 92 ft


What is volume of rectangular prism that measures 10 inches wide; 20 inches long; and 1 inch tall?

200 inches 3


What is the area of a throw rug that measures 12 ft across and 18 ft long?

12 x 8 = 216 ft 2 


This is the shape of the base of a rectangular prism.


Find the area when a triangle has a base of 10 inches and a height of 5.

BH/2      10 x 5= 50   50/2= 25 inches


Compare the area and note which shape is greater than; less than; or equal to the other

Square has a side of 16 ft.    Triangle has a base of 15 ft. and a height of 18 ft.

A= LxW  16x16=256 ft2

BH/2    15x18= 270    270/2=135 ft

Therefore, the square is larger


This is the answer to a multiplication problem.



Mrs. Leingang decided to cover her stock tank garden. Each tank is approximately 8 ft long and 3 ft. wide. How much of an area should the tarp be for each tank?

8 x 3 = 24 ft 


How many vertices does a circle have?



Find the height when a triangle has a base of 20 inches and a height of 3.

BH/2     20 x 3 = 60   60/2=30 inches


Max and Isabel were going to put tile in their living room.  They wanted to buy orange tiles that were one sq foot each.  If their living room was 22 ft long and 15 ft wide, how much tile would they have to buy in order to cover their whole living room?

A=LxW    22x15=330 ft

Therefore, they would have to buy 330 tiles


Mix and Match

1) Product       a)  answer to an addition problem

2) Difference    b) answer to a subtraction problem

3) Sum            c) the number being divided

4) Dividend      d) answer to a multiplication problem

1 and d

2 and b

3 and a

4 and c


If the area of a square table is 36 sq ft., how many feet is each side of the table?

6 ft


What do you call the point where 2 or more sides or edges meet?


What is the area of a equilateral triangle when the base is 35 and the height 8 inches?

BH/2    35x8 = 280   280/2 = 140 inches


Mrs. Finch is helping to judge a quilt show and quilts must be separated into groups.  Group A quilts have an area 50 sq ft or less.  Group B is for large quilts that measure 51 sq ft or more.  Compare the 2 quilts and decide which group they each belong in.

Quilt 1 is a square with 7 ft sides.  Quilt 2 is 8 ft long and 7 ft. wide.

A= LxW   Quilt 1  7x7=49 ft2  Belongs in Group A

Quilt 2    8x7=56 ftBelongs in Group B


Write the formulas for area  and perimeter.

A= L x W       Perimeter = Add all sides 


Papa Phillips bought a new family-size camping tent. It has an area of 360 sq feet and the length is 20 ft. How wide is this tent?

360 divided by 20 = 18 ft.


What does the D stand for in 3-d?



Find the area of a triangle when the base is 41 and the height 3 inches.

BH/2   41x3=123   123/2 = 61.5 inches


If an equilateral triangle has an area of 100 sq ft. and a rectangle has the same area, what are some possible length and width measurements of the rectangle?

A=LxW    Possible answers: 2 x 50; 4 x 25; 5 x 20; 10 x 10; 1 x 100


If the volume of a rectangular prism is 1000 inches; the width is 10 and the length 10; what is the height?

10 x 10 = 100; 1000 divided by 100 = 10.  Height is 10 inches