Social Skills
Life Skills
Social Skills
Health/Social Skills
Safety/Social Skills

True or False: It's polite to not acknowledge someone when they walk into a room. 

False! Greeting someone when they walk into a room is the polite thing to do. 


True or False: When I finish my work in class, I can make all the noises I want while I wait for others to finish. 

False! You should try to respect everyone and wait quietly or let the teacher know you are finished. 


If you could create your own holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate?

Sounds awesome!


 True or False: It's healthy to drink soda with every meal. 

False! Everything is fine in moderation, but you should try to prioritize water intake. 


Why is it unsafe to run up and down the stairs at school?

You could fall and seriously injure yourself. 


True or False: It's totally okay to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking. 

False! It is never okay to go through someone's belongings, especially when they are not looking. 

If someone at school has upset me by something they have said or done, what should I do?

If you are comfortable, you could talk to the person calmy about what bothered you. Or you could talk about it with your teacher. 


What are 3 ways to be a good friend?

So thoughtful! Thanks for sharing!


What are your top 3 favorite fruits?



True or False: It's not okay to scream and yell when you lose a card or board game. 

True! It's okay to feel angry, but it's not okay to scream. It's important to be a good sport and use good sportsmanship-like conduct. 


True or False: It's polite to let out a big burp after a big meal while sitting at a table full of others. 

False! It is not the polite thing to do. If you do need to burp, cover your mouth and say "excuse me." 


Eating spaghetti can be super messy. How could I do to ensure I don't make a mess?

Sit at the table with my napkin. Take appropriate bites. Wipe/wash my mouth. Wipe/wash my hands. 


True or False: If you don't like someone, you should tell them you hate them. 

False! You should try to avoid telling someone you hate them. It is always important to try to respect others even if you may not like them. 


If you could have super strength or super speed, which would you pick and why?

Super cool!


What qualities do you think make someone a "trusted adult"? Who are the trusted adults in your life?

People who make you feel safe. Parents, guardians, siblings, teachers, etc. 


People are making fun of one of your classmates and calling him names. What can you do?

Talk to a teacher/parent. Talk to your classmate and try to support them. 


Does cheese go in the pantry or refrigerator? 

The refrigerator it has to stay cool!


If someone tells you they are upset, what can you do? 

You can tell them you are sorry; you can ask what you can do to help, and/or tell an adult. 


How do you make sure you are prioritizing good hygiene? 

Good answer! 


What should you do when you are crossing the street or a busy parking lot?  

Make sure you look both ways and wait for the crosswalk to alert you that you can cross. 


If someone is different from me and does things that appear strange... how should I treat them?

Be friendly! Everyone has differences and that's okay!


If you are having a bad day or are upset, what are three things you can do to help yourself?

Thanks for sharing!

Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ______. 

Wash my hands! 


Is it important to exercise? Why or why not?

Yes - it is important to exercise to stay healthy so you can live a long life. Exercise can also improve sleep and improve your mood. 

I met this really nice stranger when I ran into the store, and they asked me to get in their car with them because they want to show me this new game. What should I do? 

Say "no thanks" and tell a trusted adult about this encounter. It's not safe to go somewhere alone with a stranger.