Traumatic Injuries are in this Division
What is Division 1
Division 1
What is the Head?
When the employee is in motion and hits something..
What is stuck against?
All chemicals are in this Division
What is Division 1?
Event 1*
What is the person or animal responsible for the injury?
Covid is in this Division
What is Division 3?
Neck, including Throat
What is Division 2?
Division 2 includes..
What are all transportation incidents?
Ground, unspecified
What is 660?
Event 41* - Slips and trips without fall
What is 562 - bodily motion?
Pain, unspecified
What is 1972
Covid is coded ...
What is 6, body systems?
If there isn't a second source code use
What is 9991?
Vehicles are in this Division
What is Division 8?
Event 42* Fall on Same level
What is the surface on or which they fell from?
Nature Code 111
What is a facture?
Division 8 includes
What are multiple body parts?
Non-impact injuries go in Division
What is Division 7?
Source 57*
What is Person - other than injured or ill worker?
This Event REQUIRES as Second Source!
What is 43* and or 44* falls/jumps to lower level.
What are sprains, strains, tears?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dance
What are the part divisions? Double Jeopardy if you do the dance!
Pushed off of a truck while it is moving would be where...
What is Division 1? Double Jeopardy if Hierarchy is mentioned.
Boxes, crates and cartons
What is 2114?
Slip and fall on icy sidewalks - Source and or Second Source
What is Source is sidewalk and Second Source is ice?