The process of turning a conceptual variable into something measurable is called this.
What is operationalization
Name the infamous study that tested obedience to authority by instructing participants to administer what they believed were painful electric shocks to others.
What is the Milgram Experiment?
A measurement scale that categorizes variables without a meaningful numerical difference.
What is a nominal scale?
The range of values for a correlation coefficient.
What is -1 to +1?
Unlike intuition and personal experience, research is based on systematic observation and this key principle, which reduces bias and increases accuracy.
What is empirical evidence?
The type of claim that states one variable is responsible for changes in another.
What is a causal claim?
This ethical principle ensures that participants have all necessary information before agreeing to be in a study.
What is informed consent?
The extent to which a measure produces consistent results over time.
What is reliability?
The reason correlation does not imply causation.
What are third variables, temporal precedence, and lack of experimental control?
A hypothesis that is based on existing theories rather than direct observations is called this
What is a theory-driven hypothesis?
This validity ensures that a study’s results can be generalized beyond the sample used.
What is external validity?
The three ethical principles outlined in the Belmont Report.
What are respect for persons, beneficence, and justice?
The extent to which a test actually measures what it claims to measure.
What is validity?
A factor that can change the strength or direction of a correlation.
What is moderation?
This type of research question seeks to establish how variables relate to one another but does not imply causation.
What is an association claim?
This type of claim is used to describe how common something is within a population.
What is a frequency claim?
This organization oversees research studies to ensure they meet ethical standards.
What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB)?
This type of reliability assesses whether different raters give consistent scores.
What is inter-rater reliability?
This statistical issue occurs when the full range of data is not represented, potentially weakening correlations.
What is range restriction?
This type of reasoning starts with a general theory or principle and applies it to specifc cases to make predictions.
What is deductive reasoning?
This validity assesses whether a study truly establishes cause-and-effect by eliminating confounding variables.
What is internal validity?
This unethical study failed to inform participants they were infected with syphilis and withheld treatment from them.
What is the Tuskegee Syphilis Study?
The extent to which a measure correlates with an outcome it should theoretically predict.
What is criterion validity?
This statistical issue occurs when extreme data points disproportionately influence the strength and direction of a correlation.
What is an outlier?
This cognitive shortcut can make people rely on the most easily recalled information rather than actual data
What is the availability heuristic?