What is an example of physical bullying?
Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone.
Calling someone names and making fun of them is verbal bullying.
Calling someone names or making fun of them is an example of ________ bullying.
If you see bullying happening, you should ________ a trusted adult.
What is an example of Verbal Bullying?
Name-calling, teasing, or threatening someone with words.
If someone posts a mean comment about someone online, that is physical bullying
False- cyberbullying
Posting mean comments or sharing hurtful images online is known as ________.
Cyber bullying
True or false?
When you see someone being bullied, you should ignore it. True or false?
What’s one example of cyberbullying?
Sending mean or hurtful messages online.
Pushing someone into a locker is an example of physical bullying.
________ bullying includes hitting, kicking, or pushing someone.
________ bullying happens when someone is intentionally left out of activities or groups.
What is one explain of social bullying?
Being left out of activities or groups on purpose.
Excluding someone from a group because of their appearance is a form of social bullying.
Leaving someone out of a group activity on purpose is a form of ________ bullying.
Social bullying
Bullying can cause a person to feel ________
Sad/ Upset