Hearing Assessments
Hearing Aid Fittings
Hearing Aid Maintenance

Billy Jones is a new client coming in on an unserviced voucher. What is the correct code?



What 3FAHLs are required to satisfy the MHLT criteria for HSP?

Greater than 23dB


True/False - We do not receive any funding from HSP for a client's battery and maintenance for the first 12 months 



What claim number is used for unaided reviews?



How often is a HSP voucher renewed?

Every 5 years.

Sue attends for a 600 appointment. How is consent obtained for her to join the HSP program?

- Can be obtained verbally at the time of calling to make an appointment

- Must sign the client intake form in the clinic


Jenny is being fit with her first pair of hearing aids under the HSP program. What claim number should be used?



How can consent be obtained to renew B+M?

Hint: 3 options.

Physical - signature on the 700/710 form

Digital - Following link on website

Audio recording - template must be read to client and conversation recorded (we don't offer this)

*verbal consent is not accepted*



True/False: It is sufficient to note "no change to hearing goals" in a client's review notes. 

False - COSI goals for each Assessment and Client Review service must be documented. Providers must evaluate client goals at Client Review and Fitting follow-up services. Use of tick boxes and/or comments that “goals are the same.” are not sufficient


There are 2 essential forms required when providing replacement device/s to a HSP client. What are they?

1. Stat Dec

2. Client Agreement Form


Joe is booked for a hearing test. You note his voucher is expired. Once client care renew this, is he due for an assessment?

Yes as there will be an assessment available on the new voucher. 


You fit Mr Smith with hearing aids (640) last month. He has cancelled all follow-ups and cannot be reached on the phone. How do we claim for this fitting?

Document reasonable attempts to book follow-ups. Change the claim number to a 641.


David holds a DVA gold card and wears binaural hearing aids. His batteries and maintenance agreement has expired. What claim numbers should be billed?

710 + 777


If an 800 + 940 are claimed simultaneously; in addition to the history, COSI goals and device function check, how many additional activities must be performed?




Who is eligible for specialist services (complex) through Hearing Australia?

  • A person with a three-frequency average hearing loss (3 FAHL) of 80dB or more in their better ear

  • A person with hearing loss and communication impairment that prevents the person from communicating effectively in his or her daily environment; or is caused or aggravated by significant physical, intellectual, mental, emotional or social disability.


Sally does not have a hearing assessment available on her HSP voucher. Her ENT has requested an urgent test due to suspected sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Can we charge Sally for this appointment?

Yes, charge pension price but ensure consent is signed. 


Prior to completing a fitting appointment. HSP require device discussion notes. What must these include?

Discussion of:

- FTC vs TU

- Different styles and why client opted for chosen style

- Whether a telecoil is required

- Any notes on client's dexterity, vision or ability to manage devices


What happens if a client chooses to opt out of a maintenance agreement?

Choose the appropriate claim number (fitting, no maintenance agreement) and client is reponsible for paying for any repairs, spare parts, batteries etc. 


Mr Smith comes in for his annual hearing aid review. The audiologist performs in situ audiometry to verify device function. Is this HSP compliant?

No - devices must be verified against a target. Measures such as REM and coupler measurements are compliant.  



Julie has been vouchered elsewhere and is fit binaurally. She has a valid maintenance agreement with her previous provider but wishes to transfer to us. What is claimed to relocate the batteries and maintenance agreement to us?



Lionel is due for an 800, 940, 710 and refit discussion. An hour has been booked for the appointment and you don't have time to complete everything. What items do you prioritise?

800, 710, discussion for refit. 


David's audiogram does not satisfy the MHLT criteria for hearing aid fitting through HSP. He reports bothersome tinnitus. Is he eligible for fitting through HSP?

Yes; if:

1. He scores >5 on the WANT for

2. Has a hearing loss

3. Has COSI goals related to hearing and tinnitus

4. Completes the TRQ


Tim attends for an 800 appointment. His maintenance has expired but he is due for a refit. When should we claim the maintenance?

Claim today. If you wait to claim at the fitting appointment, we would not be paid the HSP contribution for maintenance (as it's within the first 12 months).


Jordan comes in for his 940 appointment. The clinician performs the following activities (in addition to history, COSI goals and check of device function):

1. Bluetooth re-pairing

2. Changed domes and wax filters

3. Rescreened AC and BC thresholds

Is this sufficient to claim the 940?

No - Changing domes and wax filters is covered under the maintenance agreement. It cannot be claimed as part of a 930/40 appointment under "the modifications to the ear moulds/shell" category.

In what instances would you waive the replacement fee to a client and claim a 555?
  • client has dementia; or
  • device was lost/DBR in hospital or a nursing home; or
  • the device was lost/DBR in the post.