
In which book is a character thinking of everything she heard the night before in her brother's basement -- ideas about hope and freedom?

Other Words for Home


In which book does a grand piano roll fast, crushing a little girl with a stuffed bear?

Salt to the Sea


In which book do alarm bells start to ring and red lights begin to flash above a watertight door?

The Watch That Ends the Night


In which book is a character so sick that he can't sit up, so a tent is put up over his canoe to protect him from the sun and rain?

Death on the River of Doubt


In which book does a character say, "Oh, yeah, I'm the crazy one. Evil pony school here we come"?

The Iron Trial


In which book does a character say she knows the value of a good hairstyle; her mother pays a ridiculous amount of money to have her weave flown in from India?

Genesis Begins Again


In which book do boys launch a barrage of questions at a character about what it was like in a well and were there snakes and centipedes and did it go all the way to China?

Wolf Hollow


In which book does a man have characters make a spoon, a hilt, and a book with empty pages and a blue cover?



In which book do a character's fingers buzz, and then a small boy made of mist and mischief climbs out of the clouds?

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky


In which book do three boys make a character's life so miserable that his parents have no choice but to find him a school in another town?



In which book does a character's father tell her to leave without speaking to anyone, but she writes a letter to say good-bye to her cousin?

Salt to the Sea


In which book does a character hold a quivering rabbit in one hand and a glowing staff in the other?

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky


In which book does a character answer, "Nah, they're not pink, they're sa-- (sigh) . . . Yeah, they're pink!" when asked if he is wearing pink shorts?

New Kid


In which book is a glass jar with a tiny tornado inside something like a telephone?

The Iron Trial


In which book does a character say that his first day of school was great . . . when he wasn't getting lost?

New Kid


In which book does a character search for information about two girls on her sister's tablet?

Long Lost


In which book does a character suppose that a monkey must have been dangling from a tree branch, trying to get a drink of water, when a catfish swam up and ate him?

Death on the River of Doubt


In which book does a character continue to make his case for a lime-green, two-door, small-backseat pickup truck?

Marcus Vega Doesn't Speak Spanish


In which book is a character sitting in a tiny little boat, in the middle of a thunderstorm, clinging onto her seat for dear life to keep from falling overboard?

The Book Jumper


In which book does a character say she was up in a school's belfry to see the school bell?

Wolf Hollow


In which book does a character picture her grandmother and aunt lying under a red-and-black fringed blanket, drinking coffee with "secret sauce" as they watch a nagual snake come home?

The Last Cuentista


In which book does a tiger put a claw to his lips?

The Book Jumper


In which book is a character astonished to see how many colors someone used to draw her --- her skin is peachy and rosy orange and brown and blue gray and even green?

The Hired Girl


In which book do characters wade into a river, check a ruined mill, examining each hole and hillside, until darkness settles over everything like a cold fog -- the whole company trudges back to town when even the brightest lanterns become useless?

Long Lost


In which book does a character decide after not being admitted to a public school that he wanted to go there and says, "I will be something, come hell or high water"?

Unlawful Orders