T/F: "If I feel it, it must be true."
False. Feelings aren't facts but they do give us information to be curious about.
Accumulate positives. Being mindful and noticing the positives in one's life.
The group of skills that focuses on taking care of the body to lower vulnerability to unwanted emotions.
You have to give a presentation to your coworkers tomorrow and you are really nervous. What would be in your Cope Ahead plan?
Lots of other skills!!
Identify and understand your emotion: anxiety is normal, useful, AND uncomfortable.
PLEASE: Good night of sleep. Exercise. Eat normally. Don't drink too much coffee.
Accumulate positives: plan for a celebratory dinner out for that evening
T/F: When a door slams suddenly, we can choose whether to feel fear or not.
False. Emotions are hard-wired.
Training for a marathon is an example of what skill?
Accumulate positives in the long-term: setting a goal and working towards it.
Going to the doctor for back pain is an example of what skill?
PLEASE - treating physical illnesses. Pain increases our vulnerability to emotion.
What is an example of Opposite Action?
p. 94-95
What are 2 functions of emotions?
- Information/signal to us to pay attention to something
- Communicate with others
- Keep us safe
- Motivate us to overcome obstacles
How does Build Mastery help us to have more positive emotions? And what is an example of building mastery?
The act of working at something hard (or undesired) helps to build our sense of mastery and confidence.
What are 3 ways to get balanced sleep?
see p. 89
When should you use the Opposite Action skill?
When your emotion does not fit the facts OR it would be ineffective to act on the urges
T/F: Some emotions are good, some are bad. We should control our bad emotions.
False. Emotions are neutral and natural. We don't choose our emotions. We choose how we respond to our feelings.
What are the ABC skills?
Accumulate Positive Emotions
Build Mastery
Cope Ahead
T/F: Unhealthy foods, like donuts, are bad for our emotions/mood.
F: Balanced eating means eating foods that fuel our body/mind with nutrition. And it includes eating foods we enjoy!
You texted your BFF to see if she wants to hang out. She left you on "read" for 2 hours and then responded "not today". You feel jealous and anxious and think she is probably hanging out with new friends instead. How do you use Check the Facts & Problem-Solving.
p. 93
What internal signals can we notice to identify our emotions?
Thoughts, sensations, urges.
What skill helps us to build a life worth living?
Accumulate positives in the long-term by knowing our values, priorities, and setting goals
Physical ilLness
Balanced eating
Avoiding mood-altering drugs
Balanced sleep
Cope ahead.