I swing through the city, fast and so light, With webs in my hands, Im always in flight. A secret by day, a hero by night, Who am i, with a bugs might?
He is a superhero action figure from an in-universe media franchise.
Half-human, half-octopus- she uses her powerful black magic to control and deceive the merfolk, advancing her own ambitions.
I run like the wind, so fast, so bright. Outpacing time, I blur out of sight. With speed on my side, I race through the day. Who am I, who never can stay?
This Animal behavior expert advocated for people with autism, not only improved understanding but also highlighted the unique talents individuals with autism can bring to the world.
Temple Grandin
This group was founded by Professor Charles Xavier as a response to the emergence of naturally occurring superhumans known as mutants among the baseline human society.
The son of Zeus and Hera, _________ was abducted from Mount Olympus and turned mortal by his evil uncle.
A. Apollo
B. Hercules
C. Percy Jackson
D. Phil
She is an eccentric, fashion-obsessed heiress who wishes to use the skins of 99 Dalmatian puppies to create a spotted fur coat.
A. Ivy De Vil
B. Dolores Umbridge
C. Cruella De Vil
D. Emma Stone
Cruella De Vil
I rule the depths, where waves crash and sway, with strength in the sea, I command night and day. A trident I wield with power untold, in water I thrive, my story unfolds. Who am I?
This persons efforts as a labor leader and civil rights activist led to significant improvements in working conditions for farmworkers and raised awareness about the importance of labor rights.
Cesar Chavez
What is the Incredible Hulks real name?
Bruce Banner
Portrayed as quick-witted, and ultimately a caring person. He is not above lying and stealing, though never with malicious intentions, but to survive.
She is a childish, foul-tempered monarch whom people described as "a blind fury", and who is quick to give death sentences at even the slightest of offenses.
Queen of Hearts
With strength and grace, I fight for what's right, A lasso of truth, and armor so bright. From amazon's land, I rise to the call, who am I, who stands tall?
Wonder Woman
This person's revolutionary theories in physics reshaped our understanding of the universe and paved the way for countless advancements in science and technology.
Albert Einstein
What realm is Thor from?
He is a tall, anthropomorphic dog who typically wears a turtle neck and vest, with pants, shoes, white gloves, and a tall hat
Mother Gothel
I am vengeance! I am the night! I am _______!
Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and was a pivotal event in the civil rights movement. It highlighted the power of peaceful protest and civil disobedience.
Rosa Parks
Name ALL 6 ORIGINAL members of The Avengers
A Force-sensitive human male, was a legendary Jedi Master who fought in the Galactic Civil War during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
A. Anakin Skywalker
B. Princess Leia
C. Chewbacca
D. Luke Skywalker
He was intelligent, cunning, ruthless — all qualities that could have balanced his brother nicely. Instead, as it happens in the wild, he was cast out. His fate was sealed.
From Krypton I came, with stretngth beyond measure, I fly through the sky, a true hero's treasure. In blue and red, I stand for the light. Who am I, with power and might?
A central figure in the American civil rights movement, this man's eloquent speeches, and nonviolent protests helped bring about monumental change in racial equality and justice.
Martin Luther King Jr.