Bathroom/Leaving the Room
Classroom Supplies
Lining Up/Hallway
Classroom Behaviors
How we ask to leave the room/go to the bathroom?

Raise your hand or show the sign language toilet sign and get permission.


Where can I find classroom supplies?

Book bin, student center, ask Ms. Smith


How are we dismissed to line up?

Called by row


What do we do when we arrive in the morning?

Hang up coat, get chair, read the board, get to work


What do we do when we hear the doorbell?

Stop what we are doing, be a voice level 0.


What are the school PBIS expectations for the bathroom?

Safe, Respectful, Responsible


When is it an appropriate time to get supplies?

During independent or small group work, when Ms. Smith gives that direction, when we need it to complete an assigned task and Ms. Smith is not actively giving instructions or teaching a lesson


What are the school wide PBIS expectations for the hallway?

Safe, Respectful, Responsible


How do I know what I am supposed to do in the morning?

Read the board.

How do we earn PBIS pom poms?

Good behavior outside of the classroom. Caught modeling expectations in another class or by another teacher.


What do I need to do any time I leave the room?

Sign-out with name, date, time out and back in, and where you are going.


How do we use supplies appropriately?

Using them correctly/the way they are meant to be used, not destroying them on purpose, only using/taking what we need.


What is our voice level in line and in the hallway?

Voice Level 0


What should the classroom look like before we leave at the end of the day?



What is the teacher vs. students game?

A tracker for teacher points (negative behaviors) and student points (positive behaviors) to earn a class reward,


Good times to go the bathroom/ get water are...

First thing in the morning, lunch, during independent work time


What kind of supplies do not require us to have permission to use?

Pencils, pens, paper, tape, stapler, band-aids, lotion, hand sanitizer, hair ties, female products
Why is it important to show appropriate behaviors in line and in the hallway?

Be a role model to other students, be respectful and considerate of others working, show responsibility


What do we need to remember to check before we leave each day?

Our mailbox.


What is a natural and logical consequence?

Natural consequence just happens.

Logical consequence is given but makes sense.


What things require going to see the nurse?

Headache that hasn't gone away, broken bones, deep cuts, vomiting, bee sting, hurt at recess, extreme illness


How should our supplies in our desks, book bins, and the student center look?

Neat, tidy, organized


Where in the hallway do we line up if we're not coming directly into class?

Against the wall by the large bulletin board


What do we do with the black folder?

Take work/ papers home and give them to our family, bring the folder back to school.


What is the purpose of our social contract?

To remember the promises to our class on how we are going to treat the teacher, each other, and how we want the teacher to treat us.