List the 3 Dimensions of Health.
Emotional Health, Social Health, Physical Health
What is an infectious disease?
A disease that can be passed by germs, touches of surfaces, in the air, people to people.
Define Bullying.
Being mean on purpose over and over
Name 1 important skill/part of communication.
Active listening.
Good Hygiene
Which Dimension of health is associated with the relationships in someone's life.
Social Health.
Define the word Chronic?
For a long time, recurring
List the 3 main roles people play in a bullying situation.
Bully, Taget (victim), Bystander(s)
Makes it easier for individuals to work together and get along and understand what someone is going through.
Chemicals that alter your mind and body and can be very addictive.
The way we take care of our body (Food we eat, exercising, personal hygiene) is associated with what dimension of health?
Physical Health
List 3 chronic diseases
Cancer, Diabetes, Heart disease, Asthma, Allergies, Stroke
What is the main difference between being rude and being mean?
Being rude is unintentional, Being mean is done on purpose (with intention)
name the 3 ways we communicate.
Verbal, Nonverbal, Written
How many bones do adults have?
What does being emotionally healthy mean?
Being emotionally is the ability to cope with positive and negative emotions which includes your awareness of those emotions.
List the 3 things that can cause chronic diseases
Environment, Lifestyle, Genetics
List the 4 types of bullying?
Social/Emotional, Physical, Mental, Cyber
Social and Emotional health
Which villain is known for saying the following "Why so serious?"
The Joker
How does the 3 dimensions of health affect one another?
Hear Respond.
Explain the difference between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.
Type 1 = Genetics
Type 2 = Lifestyle
At what point does conflict between students become bullying?
When it is happening everyday
Why is empathy important when someone is communicating what they are going through or feeling?
To put yourself in their shoes and feel what they feel and understand their situation.
What is Mr. Charles's Dog name?