Vocabulary Words aka FLOWcabulary Words
Dudes and Dudettes
Events Schments & Documents
Big Ideas, New Ideas
WAR (not the card game)

Lunch, lunch it is my favorite meal.

Please don't cancel or _____________. 

What is repeal?


This individual was a president during the Civil War...for the Confederacy. 

Who is Jefferson Davis?


The British felt salTY after this event in Boston. 

What is the Boston Tea Party?


This Native American group had a famous Constitution. Their name sounds like a body part that allows you to hear. 

Who are the Iroquois?


Name the two sides fighting in the Civil War (North & South do not count). 

Who are Union and Confederacy?


My raps are so nice, 

My flow is so cool,

This vocabulary word means a tax on imported goods, which we learned about in school. 

What is tariff?


This individual, who lived in the 1800s, would be really good at "Eye SPY."

Who is Belle Boyd?


Bet you can't say the name of this document 5 times fast...Abraham Lincoln created it to free the slaves in the Confederacy. 

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?


"...ant that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth" is from what speech?

What is the Gettysburg Address?


Lincoln gave an address after this battle in the Civil War.

What is Gettysburg?


The president can __________ a law,

It's is not up to Congress, it is the president's call. 

What is veto?


These two guys were hired by Thomas Jefferson to go explore the Lousiana Purchase. Their last names could also be used as first names!

Who are Lewis and Clark?

This was a big event for women's rights and suffrage. It was called the Seneca __________ Convention. Surprisingly it was not held in autumn. 

What is the Falls?


Number of branches the U.S. Government has.

What is 3?


The Tea Act, Intolerable Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Act occur prior to what war that partly occurred because of issues over taxes?

What is the Revolutionary War?


My rap game has been litty all year,

Early settlers went out to settle new lands, aka a _______________. 

What is a pioneer?


I would LOVE to get tickets to see him on Broadway. But I probably won't get any. He was the first Secretary of the Treasury as part of George Washington's Cabinet. 

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


This was the name of a Native American party, where people give gifts to one another. 

What is a potlatch?


Who taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and hunt better in their settlement? Looking for a specific individual.

Who is Squanto?


One of the reasons this war was fought was because of disagreements over who owned the land in the Ohio River Valley: the French or the British.

What is the French and Indian War?


This vocabulary word means "to break away,"

I spit fire, e'ryday. 

What is secede?


This king was NOT liked by the colonies. Two kings prior to him had the same first name?

Who is King George III?


Pack your bags! You are going west to look for this mineral in 1849!

What is gold?


At the Constitutional Convention, they meant to revise this document, but instead they replaced it. Bye bye! 

What is the Articles of Confederation?


Name of the Revolutionary War Battle fought in the state of Delaware (somewhat nearby!)

What is Battle of Cooch's Bridge?