Author's Purpose
Context Clues
Theme / Summary / Main Idea
Mixed Bag

Tommy was not happy one little bit. His sister, Susan was making honor roll... again! His parents would let her do anything she wanted to do. Tommy was not making honor roll this time and he was not going to be allowed to do all the things he wanted to do. Poor Tommy! He decided he would just have to study harder and get back on the honor roll. He’d show them! 

What is the author's purpose of this writing?  a)to convince the reader about the importance of studying b) to explain the benefits of making A honor roll c) to tell a short story about Tommy and Susan d) to describe how you can make A honor roll

What is c) to tell a story about Tommy and Susan 


I listened to the players’ shoes squeaking loudly on the court. Sometimes I could even hear the players talking to one another. On television they didn’t look so immense, but they towered above me in real life.

Which words from the paragraph help the reader understand the meaning of immense? a)squeaking loudly b)talking to one another c)towered above me d)in real life

What is c) towered above me


In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history. 

What is the theme of this story? A. If things get too hard just quit. B. You need to be short to be successful C. Michael Jordan is an inspiration to all D. Never give up. Persistence pays off.

What is D. Never give up. Persistence pays off.


Sam looked through the window at the city far below. The light came on informing all those on board to fasten their seat belts. They were about to land. Where was Sam?

What is in an airplane


Exhibits at the Health Museum change often so that returning visitors are able to see new things. But the museum has had one permanent exhibit since it opened in 1996 called You: The Exhibit. This exhibit has 10 stations to explore. The different stations use special effects to help visitors learn more about themselves.

In the paragraph, what does the word permanent mean? A) Constant B) Popular C) Interesting D) Inexpensive

What is A) Constant


HAMSTERS FOR SALE: Humble Pet Store, in the mall: We have a large selection of hamsters for sale this week. They are interesting pets, and you will enjoy having one! They are only $17.99 this week!! Come and buy yours today! 

What is the author's purpose ? a) to describe hamsters b) to persuade the reader to buy a hamster c) to tell about the benefits of owning a hamster d) to share feelings about owning a hamster

What is b) to persuade the reader to buy a hamster


Ma quickly became extremely skilled with the instrument, and at the age of five he performed in his first recital. His fingers were agile. They moved like graceful dancers on the strings. The audience could not believe that such a young boy made such extraordinary music.

In the paragraph, the word agile describes movement that is — f) made with much effort g)new and uncertain h)learned over time j)quick and natural

What is j)quick and natural


Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules. 

The main idea of this paragraph is: a. Peter cannot go in the living room. b. Peter's parents don't like the carpet. c. Peter likes to make a mess. d. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.

What is d. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.


David threw the yellow ball above his head and whacked it with the racket. The ball landed in the middle of the net. "Fault", said the umpire. What was David doing?

What is playing tennis


In the 1930s a Danish carpenter named Ole Kirk Christiansen started making wooden toys. He called his company LEGO, a blend of the Danish words leg godt, meaning “play well.” After making wooden toys for years, Christiansen wanted to accelerate production so that he could make more toys in less time. He invested in a machine that would allow him to make plastic toys. In 1958 he produced the first plastic LEGO brick.

What is the paragraph mainly about? F) Christiansen worked as a carpenter. G) The word “LEGO” is a Danish word that means “play well.” H) Christiansen changed LEGO toys from wood to plastic. J) The first plastic LEGO brick was produced in 1958.

What is H) Christiansen changed LEGO toys from wood to plastic.


Matt was ready to do his homework. "I am going to ace my math test," he said. Matt opened up his math book and grabbed his notebook. "Uh oh," Matt said as he looked in his pencil case. His pencil was not there. "Where is my pencil?" Matt asked. "I need my pencil to do my homework." Matt looked in his book bag. His pencil was not there. Matt looked around his desk. He did not see his pencil. Matt looked at the floor. His pencil was nowhere to be found! "Mom, I cannot find my pencil," Matt yelled. Mom walked into his room and pointed to the mirror. She said, "Look over there." "What? My pencil is not over there," Matt said. When Matt looked in the mirror, he blushed. His pencil was behind his ear! 

Was the author's purpose to a) inform the reader on how to sharpen one's pencil b) persuade the reader to buy mechanical pencils c) entertain the reader with a story about a boy who lost his pencil

What is c) entertain the reader with a story about a boy who lost his pencil


Teichman said he’s expecting Rick Krause, who lives in Arizona, to return Saturday for another shot at the title. Expected, too, are Brian Krause and another Krause offspring, Matt, who finished third last year with a spit that traveled just shy of 54 feet. Rick Krause was the runner-up with a spit of 61 feet, 2 inches.

Look at the dictionary entry. 

shot noun 1. a throw in an effort to score points in a game 2. a small amount applied at once 3. a try or attempt 4. an effective remark

Which definition best matches the way the word shot is used in the paragraph? f) Definition 1 g) Definition 2 h) Definition 3 j) Definition 4

What is h) Definition 3


I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say "Dance boots", he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know if many dogs can do such amazing tricks. 

The main idea of this paragraph is: a. Boots is my dog b. Boots can sit c. Boots is very smart. d. Most dogs can't dance

What is c) Boots is very smart. 


Josh woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to Josh and said, “It is a perfect day, don’t forget to bring a towel!” Josh grabbed a towel and they left the house. Where do you think Josh and his dad were going?

What is the pool


Which of these best explains why there is sometimes one scene in a drama? F There is very little action. G There are only three characters. H Only a few props are needed. J The setting does not change.

What is J The setting does not change.


What are those little green lights on the grass and flying in the yard? Are they monsters? Are they UFOs? No, they aren’t monsters and they aren’t UFOs. They’re fireflies. Fireflies are little insects that glow with a cool green light. If you touch one it won’t burn you. Some fireflies glow to warn other animals that they don’t taste good. Frogs, bats, and birds do not like to eat animals that glow. The glow helps keep fireflies safe. Sometimes we call fireflies glow worms. You can catch fireflies in a jar. Don’t forget to let them go again!

Why did the author write this paragraph? a) to tell the reader about fireflies' lights b) to share a story about funny fireflies c) to influence the reader to conduct a science experiment about fireflies d) to describe the migration habits of fireflies

What is a) to tell the reader about Fireflies lights


Though Catchings had hearing aids, she objected to wearing them. To her, the hearing aids were just awkward devices that attracted ugly remarks from her classmates and made her feel different. One day when she was in elementary school, she took them off and tossed them away in a field. The hearing aids were expensive, and her parents refused to replace them. Catchings began her new life. She worked hard in the classroom and at sports. Soon, even without her hearing aids, she surpassed her schoolmates and her teammates.

Read the following information. 

Sur-: Anglo-French prefix meaning “above” 

This information helps the reader understand that the word surpassed in the paragraph means — f)did better than g)spoke kindly about h)spent more time with j)was admired by

What is f)did better than


Tammy and Sammy were both students in Mr. Morton’s reading class. Mr. Morton wasn’t too strict about deadlines, and Sammy took advantage of that. He did all of his homework in his other classes but never bothered to complete Mr. Morton’s reading assignments, figuring that he could complete them later. Tammy, on the other hand, completed each assignment Mr. Morton assigned the night that he assigned it. She had to stay up a little later, but she didn’t want to get a penalty for turning in her reading work late. Tammy knew reading was a core subject and that she had to keep “C” average for the entire year or she would have to go to summer school. When the end of the quarter came, Tammy and Sammy had both planned on going to the Enchanted Castle amusement park, but Mr. Morton called Sammy’s mother, and she grounded Sammy until he turned in all of his work. That weekend was horrible for Sammy. He stayed up until 2:00 AM each night and still couldn’t complete all of the assignments. The whole while, Tammy had a great time eating pizza at Enchanted Castle, watching movies late at night, and enjoying her weekend free of stress and pressure. At the end of the quarter, Sammy was lucky to squeak by with a “C” minus in reading while Tammy earned an “A.” Sammy still hasn’t learned his lesson and probably won’t complete this activity either. 

What is the moral of this story? A. Play first work last B. Trying your best is a waste of time C. It is better to do things right the first time. D. Teachers are unfair

What is C. It is better to do things right the first time.


Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. How would you describe Lisa? 

What is curious


Read this sentence from the selection.

In fact, a standard-size LEGO brick made today can be attached to any other LEGO brick made since 1958.

What can the reader conclude about LEGO products from this sentence? A) People have shared LEGO sets with friends and family for a long time. B) The basic design of the LEGO has stayed the same. C) LEGO toys made of plastic last longer than those made of wood. D) Ole Kirk Christiansen believed in making LEGO toys that were fun and entertaining.

What is B) The basic design of the LEGO has stayed the same.


Without the creativity of one man, there would be no “happiest place on earth,” also known as Disneyland. Walt Disney was a creative genius who looked out on a huge orange grove and imagined building a “magic kingdom.” Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. As a child, he enjoyed drawing and even sold his pictures to neighbors. When he was sixteen, he joined the Red Cross and drove an ambulance in France during World War I. After the war ended, Disney started making short cartoons in Kansas City, but soon ran out of money. He decided to find his fortune in Hollywood. He came to California with a suitcase and $20 in his pocket. It was in the 1940s that Walt Disney first had his brainstorm about a fun park for families. His idea grew bigger and bigger, and he realized he needed a lot of space for his park. He wanted it to have everything—a mountain, rockets, spinning teacups, and a fairy castle! 

What is the author's purpose? a) to provide details about the enchantment of Walt Disney b) to teach the reader about Disney's life c) to explain how to build an amusement park d) to express to the reader why they should visit Disneyland

What is b) to teach the reader about Disney's life


The human body produces a constant supply of heat, which is why people feel warm to the touch. Ann decided to see whether human bodies make enough heat to power a flashlight. She thought a special kind of tile called a Peltier tile might work for her purposes. A Peltier tile releases energy when opposite sides of the tile come in contact with different temperatures. Ann thought that one way to create different temperatures would be to build a flashlight that was hollow and attach Peltier tiles to it. She presumed that if a warm human hand covered one side of the tiles while the other side of the tiles was exposed to cooler air, the tiles would produce energy.

The Latin root praesumere means “to expect.” This information helps the reader determine that the word presumed in the paragraph means a) remembered b) cared c) believed d)wanted

What is c) believed


Nina raced her brother Carlos down the sidewalk. “I’m going to win!” Nina laughed, peeking back at him. Then Nina ran right into a spider web. She jumped around, screaming. “Is it on me? Get it off of me! Get the spider off of me!” Nina slapped her hair. She pulled off the sticky web. “Where’s the spider?” Nina cried. Nina swiped at her face and arms. “I think it’s crawling all over me. It must be huge! Do you see it?” She asked Carlos. “Do you see the spider?” Carlos smiled. He pointed to the sidewalk. “There’s your spider,” he said. They watched a baby spider hurry away. “And guess what?” Carlos laughed. He dashed past the finish line. “I won!” Use Somebody Wanted But So Then to make a 3-4 sentence summary. 

What is Nina and Carlos were racing each other down the sidewalk. Nina ran into a spider web and stopped running. Carlos pointed to the spider on the sidewalk and ended up winning the race. 


Abbie has her backpack on her bed. She is packing for a trip. She lays out a waterproof jacket and rain hat, extra socks, a flashlight, compass, binoculars, and water bottle. She hunts for extra batteries and decides to bring her camera. She checks on her sleeping bag and helps her parents bring out the tent. Where are Abbie and her parents going?

What is camping?


Read the following sentence from a paragraph.

The solution was tossed my way the following Monday when I stopped at Thompson’s after school to look at the pencils.

What can the reader conclude about the narrator from this sentence? F) He will find the money he needs at the drugstore that day. G) He will get the money he needs in an unexpected way. H) He will work at the drugstore after school each day to earn money. J) He will collect money at school before going to the drugstore.

What is G) He will get the money he needs in an unexpected way.