Animal Classification 1
Animal/Plant Classification
Animal/Plant Classification 2
Animal Classification 2
Animal and Plant Classification 3
Plant Classification

An animal that has a backbone

What is...

a Vertebrate


What does the word classify mean?

What is:

to group things based on shared characteristics


Which is an example of a nonvascular plant?



Apple Tree

Pine Tree

What is...



Amphibians show all of the following characteristics EXCEPT _____.

being cold-blooded

having scales

laying eggs

living on both land and in water

What is...

having scales


Jelly fish are considered...

Vertebrates or Invertebrates

What are...



The two primary classifications of plants.

What are...

vascular and nonvascular


An animal that does not have a backbone

What is...

an Invertebrate


Invertebrates tend to be small because...

they have no cells.

they have no lungs.

they have no stomach.

they have no backbone.

What is...

they have no backbone.


Which vertebrate group lives part of their lives on water and part on land?

What is...

an amphibian


An animal that can live on both land and in water.

What is...

an Amphibian


An animal whose body is covered in feathers, has wings for flying, and lays eggs in a nest.

What is...

A Bird


Which statement about vascular plants is NOT true?

They can grow to be quite large

They have tissues that carry food and water

They absorb water and nutrients through roots

They are much shorter than nonvascular plants

What is...

They are much shorter than nonvascular plants


A snake is an example of a.....

What is...

a reptile


Why is a fern a vascular plant?

It has tubes inside its stems.

It has no tubes insides its leave and stems.

It grows from spores.

It grows from seeds.

What is...

It has tubes inside its stems.


Which statement is true?

All plants are nonvascular.

Most plants reproduce through spores.

All plants use pollen or cones to reproduce.

All plants must reproduce to survive.

What is...

All plants must reproduce to survive.


Something birds and other animals do when move from one climate to another.

What is...

to migrate or migration


One way scientists group, or classify, living things is by how they use ________

food for energy.

their backbones.


their muscles.

What is...

food for energy.


One important way scientists classify plants is by how they receive water. Which sentence below is NOT true about how vascular plants receive water?

Vascular plants receive water by absorbing it from their surroundings

Vascular plants receive water through tubes.

Vascular plants can receive water through their roots, stems, and leaves.

Vascular plants receive water and nutrients through tubes in the roots.

What is...

Vascular plants receive water by absorbing it from their surroundings


Fungi (a decomposer) gets its food from  __________.

only vertebrates and invertebrates

dead plants and animals

only vascular and nonvascular plants

only mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and amphibians

What is...

dead plants and animals


Which group has the greatest number of animal species?

What is...



Which of the following is a characteristic of mammals?

they do not have backbones

they give birth to live young

their body temperature changes depending on their surroundings

they are single celled organisms

What is...

they give birth to live young


Name the vertebrate group can sheds its skin.

What are...



Name the 5 groups of animals that are classified as vertebrates.

What are...

amphibians, mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles


What kind of plant is a watermelon (think reproduction)?





What is...



Which group of animals make up MOST of the animal kingdom?

What are...



Susan was watching an animal outside her classroom window.  She took these notes:

The animal has a backbone

The animal has four legs and a long tail

The animal’s body is covered with scales

    What is the classification for this animal?

What is...

a reptile


A process plants use to turn sunlight into food: Conversion of light energy from the sun into sugar and oxygen.

What is...



How is a fish different from a jellyfish?

What is...

A fish has a backbone


Tommy was watching an animal outside his classroom window.  He took these notes: 

The animal has a backbone

It lives on land

It bears live young

It has hair

    What is the classification for this animal?

What is...

a mammal


Julie sees a plant in the park and knows right away that it is a gymnosperm.  How can she tell?

The plant is a pine tree with cones

The plant has flowers

The plant is an apple tree

The plant is moss on a rock

What is 

The plant is a pine tree with cones


Describe the key characteristics that scientists use to classify plants into different groups. Provide examples of how these characteristics help distinguish between major plant groups such as trees, shrubs, mosses, etc.

True Roots, Stems, and Leaves: Vascular plants have well-developed roots for anchorage and absorption, stems for support and transport, and leaves for photosynthesis. Trees and shrubs are examples of vascular plants. Non-vascular plants do have roots, stems, and leaves.

Vascular plants are generally taller than non-vascular plants due to their roots and stems.

Vascular plants reproduce using seeds (angiosperms or gymnosperms) or spores (ferns, horsetails)while non-vascular plants reproduce by releasing spores.


Compare the classification of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. What are the major differences in their physical characteristics and internal structures that allow scientists to categorize them into these two groups? Give at least two differences between the two.

Vertebrates have a backbone or spinal column composed of individual vertebrae. This internal skeletal structure provides support and protects the spinal cord.  Invertebrates lack a backbone or vertebral column. Their body structures vary widely and may be supported by an exoskeleton.

Vertebrates tend to be larger and exhibit greater structural complexity compared to most invertebrates, which vary widely in size and body form.

Vertebrates possess an internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage, providing support and protection for vital organs. Invertebrates may have external skeletons (exoskeletons) of chitin (e.g., insects) or lack a rigid skeletal structure altogether.


Choose two different animal groups (e.g., reptiles and amphibians) and compare and contrast how they are similar and different. Give at least 2 similarities  and at least 2 differences.

Might discuss:

warm blooded vs cold blooded

backbones vs no backbone

live birth vs lays eggs

covered with ____ vs _____

breathes  with/through ____ vs _____


Describe how scientists classify plants into different groups based on their characteristics. How does the diversity of plant life reflect God's creativity and provision as described in Genesis 1:11-12?

11 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

This passage highlights God's deliberate and purposeful creation of diverse plant life on Earth. The incredible variety of plants, from towering trees to delicate flowers and resilient grasses, reflects God's boundless creativity. Each plant species is uniquely designed with specific characteristics suited to its environment, demonstrating God's provision for sustaining life on our planet.

This verse disproves the theory of evolution since each plant reproduced according to its own kind.


Explain the major differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals. How does the variety in animal classification highlight God's design and wisdom in creating living creatures, as discussed in Psalm 104:24-25?   Give at least one similarity and one difference between the two.

24 O Lord, how manifold are your works!
    In wisdom have you made them all;
    the earth is full of your creatures.
25 Here is the sea, great and wide,
    which teems with creatures innumerable,
    living things both small and great.

Vertebrates have a backbone or spinal column composed of individual vertebrae. This internal skeletal structure provides support and protects the spinal cord.  Invertebrates lack a backbone or vertebral column. Their body structures vary widely and may be supported by an exoskeleton.

Vertebrates tend to be larger and exhibit greater structural complexity compared to most invertebrates, which vary widely in size and body form.

Vertebrates possess an internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage, providing support and protection for vital organs. Invertebrates may have external skeletons (exoskeletons) of chitin (e.g., insects) or lack a rigid skeletal structure altogether.

The differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals reflect God's design and wisdom as described in Psalm 104:24-25, emphasizing the vastness and diversity of God's creation and His intimate care for every living creature. Each group of animals, with its unique characteristics and adaptations, testifies to the infinite wisdom and creativity of our Creator.


Investigate the adaptations of different animal groups (e.g., mammals, birds) to their environments. How do these adaptations exemplify God's provision and purpose for each creature, according to Job 12:7-10?

7 “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you;
    the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;
8 or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you;
    and the fish of the sea will declare to you.
9 Who among all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
10 In his hand is the life of every living thing
    and the breath of all mankind.

This passage highlights God's sovereignty and wisdom in the natural world. The adaptations observed in mammals and birds, and indeed in all living creatures, testify to God's intimate involvement in their design and purpose. Each adaptation reflects God's provision for creatures to thrive in their specific habitats and fulfill their ecological roles.