What is the first thing you should do after school?
Check in with Maestra Andrea
What job is Maestra Andrea going to college for?
Who is in charge of the ASES program?
Maestro Pedro
What is the first consequence for disrupting the classroom?
Being sent outside of the classroom
What food item is not allowed in the classroom?
What soccer position does Maestra Andrea play?
Defense (left or right back)
What room is the ASES office in?
Room N
How should we treat ourselves, others, and property?
With Respect
What is Maestra Andrea's favorite color?
What time is kindergarten dismissed?
2:00 PM
What happens if you lie about having homework, cheat on homework, or disrupt homework time?
Parents will receive homework half sheets explaining the child's behavior
Groups with the highest points will have what privileges?
Picking first in store and picking an activity for the class
How many siblings does Maestra Andrea have?
Name a Maestra on the governing board.
Maestra Novoa or Maestro Hayes
When will I talk to parents in person?
Reoccurring problems with behavior