Book Care
Text Features
Our Library
Surprise Me

What is the #1 destroyer of books in our library?

a. water

b. younger siblings

c. crayons

d. dogs

A. Water

Library books that get wet cannot be repaired. Even after the pages dry, they can still grow mold inside. This can cause readers to get sick.

What are some ways library books get wet?


Which genre often contains magic?

A. Mystery

B. Science fiction

C. Historical fiction

D. Fantasy

D. Fantasy

Fantasy has many subgenres, or types of fantasy. Some fantasy subgenres are:  animal fantasy, historical fantasy, epic fantasy, and fairy tales.


Why might an author put text in boldface font?

A. To give the story an old-timey feel

B. To draw attention to an important word

C. Titles should always be in boldface fonts

D. To show that authors make mistakes, too

B.  To draw attention to an important word.

Authors often put important vocabulary words in boldface text.  If the book has a glossary, the boldface words (with their definitions) probably appear there.


What do we call the containers on the tables?


When it is time to clean up, we need to put our materials back in the bins correctly.  Erasers go in the smallest part, pencils in the medium part, and crayons in the biggest part.  Bins are NOT trash cans.


Where on a book can you find the call number?


The call number is like the book’s address on the shelf. If you know the call number, you can find where the book “lives” in the library.

The call number is on the bottom of the book’s spine.


You fly on a plane to visit your grandparents. You realize you accidentally
left your library book on the airplane. What should you do?

A.Staple together a few pages to make a new book. No one will ever notice!

B.Blame your adults for not reminding you to get the book when you got off the plane.

C. Ask an adult to call the airline to see if the book was found.

D. Pretend you didn’t ever check that book out.

C. Ask an adult to call the airline.

People leave items on airplanes all the time!

Most airlines have a lost and found for this purpose. It’s definitely worth a phone call to check with them!


Which genre often takes place in the future or on another planet?

A. Mystery

B. Historical fiction

C. Science fiction

D. Fantasy

C. Science fiction

In science fiction, the setting (time and place) is very important to the story. Science fiction might be set in the future (time) and on another planet (place).


The Table of Contents does NOT typically include:

A. Chapter titles

B. Page Numbers

C. Chapter Numbers

D. Publication date

D.  Publication date

The publication date, or copyright date, is usually on the title page or the back of the title page.


How many weeks can you keep the library books you check out?

A. One rotation

B. Two rotations

C. Three rotations

D. Four rotations

B. One rotation

If you want to keep your book longer, you can bring it in and renew it.

The renew bin is by Ms. Julie


What is the correct way to line up when class is over?

Use walking feet to stand is a quiet straight line

A good rule of thumb:  Behavior that is not allowed in the classroom is also not allowed in the library.


About how much does the average new, hardcover picture book cost?

A. Between $1 - $5

B. Between $6 - $10

C. Between $10 - $15

D. Between $16 - $20

D. Between $16 - $20

Picture book costs can vary based on publisher, length, and other factors. Most new, hardcover picture books cost between $16 and $20.


This genre has a puzzle to solve.

A. Mystery

B. Fantasy

C. Realistic fiction

D. Supernatural

A.  Mystery

Mysteries can be set in any time or place.  Mysteries often include one or more detectives.  The detectives can be amateurs (not trained or experienced) or professionals (trained and experienced, probably paid for their work).


Text that explains a photo or image is called a...

A. Timeline

B. Caption

C. Glossary

D. Map

B. Caption

A caption is a short sentence that describes a photo.  Captions help the reader understand what is happening in the picture.  The caption is found underneath or next to a photo. 


What are your librarian’s names?

Miss Kirkendall and Ms. Julie


I am looking for a fiction chapter book by the author Jellybean McGiggles.  What call number should I look for?






The call number for fiction books in our library always start with FIC.

The second part of the call number is the first three letters of the author’s last name. For Jellybean McGiggles, the first three letters of the last name are MCG.


Your library book got damaged and needs to be replaced. You don’t have any money to pay for a replacement. What should you do?

A. Ask your teachers to donate money for your book.

B. Ask your librarian for options for payment.

C. Sell your lunch every day for two weeks.

D. Just ignore it and hope it goes away.

B. Ask your librarian for options for payment.

Librarians understand that paying for a library book can be difficult for families. If you know you need to pay for a book, talk to us ASAP! We can help you with a payment plan or ways you can work in the library to pay off your book.

The very worst thing you can do is ignore it  Problems do not go away just because you ignore them.


Which two of these are located in the nonfiction section of our library?

A. Memoir

B. Folktale

C. Animal Fantasy

D. Magical realism

A. Memoir and B. Folktale

Biographies are nonfiction books about a real person's life. Memoirs are a type of biography.  The author of a memoir is writing about their own life.

Folktales are not informational texts but are located in the nonfiction section our our library because they have been passed down from generation to generation.


Which of these is a list of research sources an author used to write a nonfiction book?

A. Subheading

B. Table of Contents

C. Glossary

D. Works Cited 

D. Works Cited

This contains books, articles, websites, podcasts, etc. that the author used for research when writing the book.  

Other names for Works Cited include:   Bibliography or References


What two things do you need to do if you need to use the bathroom during library?

Show Miss Kirkendall or Ms. Julie the bathroom signal.  Once you have permission, sign out.

We use the bathroom by the 60’s pod when we are in library.


You let your friend borrow your library book for the day. Your friend spilled ketchup all over your library book! Who is responsible for replacing the book?

A. You

B. Your friend

C. No one – it was an accident

D. The person who gave your friend the ketchup

A. You

The person who checked out the book is the person responsible for the book.

Please do not lend your library books to other people.


The librarian can often fix three of these types of book damage.  Which one can the librarian not fix at all?

A. Torn page

B. Pages falling out of the book

C. Wet pages

D. Crayon marks on the front cover

C. Wet pages

Librarians can fix many kinds of book damage. Wet book pages are not fixable. Even dried book pages can still grow mold once they have gotten wet.


Which genre is a very short story with a moral at the end?

A. Fairy tale

B. Fable

C. Legend

D. Myth

B.  Fable

Fables often use animal characters to represent human behaviors and emotions.


What is a side bar?

Sidebars are additional information related to the main text, usually is a side box.


Answer both questions...

What do we do if there is a hard lockdown in library?

What do we do if there is a fire drill in library?

Lock Down:  We immediately stop what we are doing and go between the book shelves.  If we can lay flat, lay flat and cover our heads.  If not, become a turtle.  It has to be silent.

Fire drill:  Stay quiet and wait for directions.  We line up at the back door but no one leaves without permission.  We exit through the 30’s pod and go to the field.


What system is used to organize the nonfiction books in our library?

Dewey Decimal System

All of our nonfiction books are housed here.  We have signs to help us know the different categories for each section.