the B-I-B-L-E
Test the Old Facts
Who's Your Daddy?
True or False
Choose a Letter

The number of books in the Bible

What is 66?


This book in the Bible is about God freeing the Israelites from slavery to Freedom. God appointed a man named Moses to lead the people. 

What is the Book of Exodus? 


This guy was given a promise by God that he and his wife would have a child.  He is considered to be the "founding father" of Israel. 

Who is Abraham?


People who question the Bible are unfaithful


Having questions and doubts are natural, and can often lead to a deeper understanding and trust in God.


A good reason for reading the Bible is to . . .

a. make God love you more.

b. enrich your faith.

c. seek information.

d. both b and c.

     d. both b and c.


The place to go to find out what page a certain book of the Bible begins

What is the table of contents? 


The number of creation stories in the book of Genesis

What is two?


This was the son of Abraham, fulfilling the promise that Abraham and Sarah would have a child.  

Who is Isaac? 


The Bible was written over the course of 1,000 years. 


When we read the Bible, it's important to remember that these sacred stories weren't all written down at the same time.  


The Bible was written by __________ person/people.

a. 1

b. 66

c. more than one, but we don’t know exactly how many 

d. none of the above

 c. more than one, but we don’t know exactly how many


In a Bible passage listing like "Jeremiah 27:13", the number 27 refers to this.

What is the chapter? 


These two women have books named after them in the Old Testament. 

Who are Ruth and Esther? 


This was the son of Isaac.  He was a twin and stole his father's blessing from his brother.  

Who is Jacob?


All Christian Bibles have 66 Books. 


Catholic: 73

Ethiopian Orthodox: 81


The creation stories of Genesis tell us . . .

a. who we are and where we came from.

b. more than the new food pyramid does.

c. that God is the same as the creation.

d. that creation was a one-time event that took seven days.

a. who we are and where we came from.


When you see Genesis 23:4, the number 4 refers to this

What is the verse?


The first 5 books of the Bible are called this

What is the Torah?


This was one of the 12 sons of Jacob.  He was given a coat of many colors, sold into slavery by his brothers, and ended up interpreting Pharaoh's dreams. 

Who is Joseph? 


The New Testament has more books than the Old Testament. 


The Old Testament has 29 books.

The New Testament has 27 books.


A psalm is . . .

a. a tree.

b. the flat part of your hand.

c. like a poem or song.

d. another name for the Old Testament.

c. like a poem or song.


The two languages the Bible was first written in

What is Hebrew and Greek?


The Old Testament is also a holy and sacred book to this religion. 

What is Judaism?


This was one of the 12 sons of Jacob.  His family line eventually became "The Davidic Line", which extends all the way to Jesus. 

Who is Judah? 


All Christians read the Bible in the same way. 


Different denominations (Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, etc...) interpret the Bible a little bit differently.  This can cause some intense arguments - but the biggest thing we all agree on is that the Bible tells sacred stories about God's love for the world.


A prophet is . . .

a. how much you make after figuring in expenses.

b. someone who can predict the future.

c. someone sent by God to speak God’s word.

d. someone who is honored by God’s people.

c. someone sent by God to speak God’s word. 

Bonus points if you can name a prophet in the Old Testament!