Bible Trivia 1
Bible Trivia 2
Bible Trivia 3
Bible Trivia 4
Bible Trivia 5

What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to his disciples? 

A. Washed their feet.

B. Gave them gifts.

C. Told them their future.

D. Multiplied the food. 

A. Washed their feet.


Jesus didn’t know that he was going to be arrested and killed in Jerusalem 

A. True

B. False

B. False. He knew and told his disciples before it happened.


What is the last book in the Bible? 

A. Genesis

B. Philippians 

C. Romans

D. Revelation 

D. Revelation


What is Jesus' hometown?

A. Galilee 

B. Nazareth

C. Cairo

D. Medina

B. Nazareth


What is the 5th commandment? 

A. You shall not murder.

B. Honor your father and mother.

C. You shall not make idols. 

D. You shall have no other gods before me. 

B. Honor your father and mother.


How many sling-throws did it take David to hit Goliath? 

A. Three

B. Two

C. One

D. Four

C. One 


When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the ground? 

A. A fox

B. A whip

C. A tree

D. A snake

D. A snake


What day of the week did Jesus rise back to life?

A. Sunday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

D. Saturday

A. Sunday


Who was the first son Abram had? 

A. Jacob

B. Isaac

C. James

D. Ishmael

D. Ishmael (with his handmaid Hagar)


What is the shortest verse in the Bible? 

A. "God.".

B. "I am."

C. "Jesus wept."

D. "He did so."

C. "Jesus wept." (John 11:35)


Who was the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul? 

A. James

B. David

C. Aaron

D. Nebuchadnezzar

B. King David


How many times did David spare Saul’s life? 

A. Twice

B. Once

C. Three times

D. Four times

A. Twice


What trait did Solomon pray for from God when he became king?

A. Wisdom

B. Intellect

C. Strength

D. Meekness

A. Wisdom


Who bought Joseph? 

A. David

B. Elimelech

C. The Pharoah

D. Potiphar

D. Potiphar (captain of the Pharaoh’s guards)


When God showed Abram the stars in the sky, what did he promise? 

A. Abram would soon become one of the stars after his death.

B. Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars.

C. God would name the stars after him. 

D. A star for each day he would be living.

B. Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars.


What were Isaac’s sons’ names? 

A. Jacob, Esau, and Lamesh

B. James and John

C. Malek and Nabil

D. Jacob and Esau

D. Jacob and Esau


Who did Laban trick Jacob into marrying? 

A. Elizabeth

B. Mary

C. Rachel

D. Leah

D. Leah


How many people were saved on the ark?

A. 10

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9 

C. 8 people


What happened when Jesus went into the wilderness? 

A. He was tempted by Satan. 

B. God appeared to him.

C. He broke bread. 

D. He wrote the 10 Commandments. 

A. He was tempted by Satan.


In what language was most of the Old Testament given? 

A. Arabic

B. Hebrew

C. Greek

D. Aramaic

B. Hebrew


How many books are there in the Old Testament? 

A. 63

B. 41

C. 55

D. 39

D. 39


Which human author wrote the most books? 

A. Paul

B. Peter

C. Moses

D. Jesus

A. Paul (wrote 13 books)


What did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian? 

A. Killed the other witness. 

B. Prayed for forgiveness. 

C. Fled into the desert. 

D. Confessed to Pharoah.

C. Fled into the desert.


Who were the Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years?

A. Joshua

B. Jacob and James

C. Joshua and Caleb

D. Moses and Aaron

C. Joshua and Caleb


With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines? 

A. A donkey’s jawbone.

B. A steel sword.

C. A wooden chariot. 

D. A small army of 100 men.  

A. A donkey’s jawbone.