This is an action that harms our relationship with God.
What is sin?
This sacrament removes our sin
What is Confession/Reconciliation?
This is the patron saint of this parish. His symbol is a sword.
Who is Saint Kilian?
The name given to the 12 closest followers of Jesus
What are the Apostles?
This liturgical season is when we prepare for Christ's Passion, Death and Resurrection. We fast for 40 days and abstain from meat on Fridays. The priest wears purple to signify a penitential season.
What is Lent?
This type of sin does not fully break our relationship with God
What is a venial sin?
This Sacrament washes away Original Sin. It regenerates us as a child of the Lord.
What is Baptism?
He wrote letters to the Corinthians, Hebrews, Galatians, Thessalonians, and the Romans. These letters are read at almost every Sunday Mass.
Who is St. Paul?
These three gifts were presented to Jesus from the Wise Men
What is Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?
Jesus goes into the desert and is tempted by this person. He promises Jesus fame, riches, and power if He gives in to these temptations.
Who is Satan?
This type of sin completely takes us away from our relationship with God.
What is a mortal sin?
These are sacred signs which bear a resemblance to the sacraments. They signify effects, particularly of a spiritual nature, which are obtained through the intercession of the Church. Examples include rosaries, scapulars, Holy Water and the Sign of the Cross.
What are sacramentals?
This saint was the first Pope
Who is Saint Peter?
He is the visible head of the Catholic Church.
Who is the Pope?
This is the Sunday before Easter and the beginning of Holy Week. We use palm branches to remind us of the crowds that accepted Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a colt.
What is Palm Sunday
We are born with this sin and gives us the desire to sin
What is original sin?
This Sacrament seals you with the Holy Spirit and completes your Sacraments of Initiation. It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit and leaves an indelible mark on the soul just like baptism.
What is Confirmation?
This saint received the rosary from Mary
Who is Saint Dominic?
These are the four writers of the gospels
Who is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
This is the first day of the Triduum. It is when Jesus invites His disciples to eat with Him one last time before He begins His Suffering and Death.
What is Holy Thursday?
These are the three requirements for a sin to be a mortal sin
What is:
- Serious/Grave Sin
- Full Knowledge
- Full Consent of the Will
This is a sincere sorrow for having sinned
What is contrition?
She is the Patron Saint of the Americas. She appeared to Juan Diego in 1531 and left her image on his Tilma.
Who is our Lady of Guadalupe?
He is three distinct persons in one Divine substance.
What is God?
This is the fourth Sunday of Lent. The priests are given the option to wear Rose colored vestments to symbolize a day of REJOICING.
What is Laetare Sunday?