Problem Solving (S.T.E.P.)
Safety Unit
Mindfulness & Coping Skills
Elm Grove Trivia

What does S in S.T.E.P. stand for?

Say the problem without blame.


Bullying is ___% preventable?



From the body safety lessons... what kind of voice should you use when telling someone no?

strong, assertive voice


Mindfulness means to stay p________ or aware in the moment.

present - you're not thinking about the past or the future, but paying attention to what's happening around you right now.


What is the Elm Grove mascot?



What does T in S.T.E.P. stand for?

Think of solutions that are safe and respectful


Someone that knows bullying is happening and does nothing about it is called a __________?



If someone says they have a weapon/dangerous object at school, what is the first thing you should immediately do? Even if you think they are "joking" about it.

Report it to an adult as soon as possible


If you're feeling intense emotions, what should you do making any decisions or trying to solve an argument? (think about our problem solving unit... before S.T.E.P.)

calm down


What grade has the most students?

3rd grade (54 students)


What does E in S.T.E.P. stand for?

Explore consequences both positive and negative


Bullying that takes place online (during video games, social media, texting) is called what?

cyber bullying


If someone you don't know requests to be your friend on social media or tries to send you an inappropriate message, what 2 things should you do?

deny the request, report and block the person. Tell your adult at home about it.


Name 3 things you can do at school to help you cope with any big emotions.

Possible Answers: take deep breaths, color, talk to a counselor, practice positive self-talk, use a fidget, talk with a friend, journal


What is Mr. Dunlevy's favorite professional football team?

Dallas Cowboys


What does P in S.T.E.P. stand for?

Pick the best solution


Name 3 negative effects of bullying. For example, if someone is being bullied they might ___________?

Not want to come to school

Struggle with their self-esteem/confidence

Feel increased anxiety

Feel sad/left out/scared/not important


Name 3 different examples of information that is private and shouldn't be put on your online profile.

Name, location/address, school info, picture of yourself, birthdate/age, personal info (family/interests)


Give 3 examples of positive affirmations.

I am strong. I am kind. I am a good person. I am capable of learning. I am smart. I am loved. I'll make an impact. I can do this. 


How many homeroom teachers are there in grades K-5? (Teachers only, not classroom aides) Correct or closest guess gets the points!



Mary and Ronnie like playing on the monkey bars at recess. The rule is: only one person at a time and your turn ends when you fall off the monkey bars. Ronnie has been on the monkey bars for awhile because he's really good and is trying to beat his record. Mary wants a turn and recess is almost over so she decides to get on the monkey bars. They start to argue. Mary says Ronnie hogs the monkey bars and Ronnie is mad she didn't follow the rule. What are 2 possible solutions to their problem?

Possible answers: 

Mary can take her turn first before Ronnie.

Mary can play something else until the monkey bars are free.

Ronnie can take a break from the monkey bars occasionally to give Mary time to play on them.


What are the 3 Rs of bullying? 

(R #1: be able to tell what is vs. what is not bullying) (R #2: what you should do if you know bullying is happening to you or someone else) 

(R #3: to not accept bullying)

Recognize, Report, Refuse


When making passwords for social media accounts, what 2 things should you remember to do? (hint: remember we talked about the example of someone posting from someone else's account...)

Make them hard to guess (different characters and numbers) and not share them with anyone but your parents.


What is the part of the brain called that's responsible for processing emotions? (Hint: starts with an 'A')



How many students go to Elm Grove Elementary (pre-K-5)? Closest guess wins the points!