Finding My Media Balance
You Won't Believe This!
Is It Cyberbullying?
Reading News Online
Challenge: What part of digital citizenship does this scenario fall under?

What word do you think of when you look at these 2 pictures?

What is...



What is clickbait?

What is...

An image or headline that tries to get you to click on it. Usually for advertising purposes.


Is there a difference between being mean and bullying?

What is...

Yes. Being mean to someone might only happen once and it may be on mistake. (a joke gone bad) Bullying is done on purpose and happens over and over. 


What is the definition of news?

What is...

New information about recent or important events.


Since school is cancelled for a few months and they can't see each other, Sara and Vanessa use Google Hangouts to talk to each other. 

Choices: Digital access, Digital Commerce, Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, Digital Etiquette, Digital law, Digital Rights and Responsibility, Digital Health and Wellness, Digital Security (Self-Protection)

What is...

Digital Communication

The girls are using technology to communicate or talk.


What is the definition of media balance?

What is...

Using media in a way that feels healthy and in balance with other life activities. 


What is the definition of "the curiosity gap"?

What is...

The desire every person has to figure out missing information. 

Example: I love sharks but what do I not know about them yet?


What is the definition of cyberbullying?

What is...

Using digital devices, sites, and apps to intimidate, harm, and upset someone.


True or False:

You should believe everything you hear on the news.

What is...

False. If you want to make sure something you hear is true, then try researching it on your own. Sometimes news stations report fake news because they don't have all of the facts.


In class today, Taylor raised her hand to answer a question but she got the question wrong. Derek and Tyler thought the right answer was easy and didn’t understand why Taylor got it wrong. Derek and Tyler were hanging out that night and went on Snapchat. They decided to make a video about how dumb Taylor was and then posted it on their story every single day for a month. Derek and Tyler are friends with the entire 7th grade on Snapchat.

Choices: Digital access, Digital Commerce, Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, Digital Etiquette, Digital law, Digital Rights and Responsibility, Digital Health and Wellness, Digital Security (Self-Protection)

What is...

Digital Etiquette.

This is cyberbullying and it falls under the category of digital etiquette. 


True or False:

Media only includes things like video games and t.v.

What is...

False. Media includes everything that involves technology. Music, social media, texting, phone calls, etc. 


What is 1 of the 3 clues that mean something is clickbait?

What is...

-It seems impossible or unbelievable

-It tries to shock you

-It refers to a celebrity or a popular topic


What is a bystander?

What is...

A person who observes a conflict or unacceptable behavior, but does not take part in it.


What is an URL?

What is...

The ending of a website address.


Jonah spent all summer playing video games for all day, every single day. When it was time for school, he became frustrated when he couldn’t play video games. Jonah’s friend John, noticed how often Jonah got frustrated and he also noticed that Jonah was squinting a lot when looking at the board. John mentioned to Jonah that maybe playing too many video games was affecting his health. Jonah didn’t realize this but when John brought it up to him, he was glad he did.

Choices: Digital access, Digital Commerce, Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, Digital Etiquette, Digital law, Digital Rights and Responsibility, Digital Health and Wellness, Digital Security (Self-Protection)

What is...

Digital Health and Wellness.

By not having a good media balance, technology was starting to harm Jonah's health.


What can happen if you use media too much over time?

What is...

Answers can include: It can give you headaches, it can mess up your eyes, you can gain weight, you might develop neck problems from looking down. 


What is one thing that could happen if you choose to click on clickbait?

What is...

-A virus could attack your computer

-It will bring you to a site that you didn't want to go to

-It will waste your time

-It will try to sell you something


What is an upstander?

What is...

A person who supports and stands up for someone else.


What URL's are usually okay to trust?

What are...





Austin and Joey both play Fortnite. Joey is really good and always wins. Austin is usually really good on the computer but for some reason he can’t get the hang of this game. He’s not very good and rarely wins. Austin knows how to hack into games so he thought it would be a good idea to hack into Joey’s account and ruin everything he has accomplished so far. Austin knows that he could have asked Joey for help with the game but Austin was jealous.

Choices: Digital access, Digital Commerce, Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, Digital Etiquette, Digital law, Digital Rights and Responsibility, Digital Health and Wellness, Digital Security (Self-Protection)

What is...

Digital Law

Hacking is against the law. The police could get involved and there could be really bad consequences.


True or false:

Playing video games for 2 hours and playing softball outside for 3 hours is a media balance. 

Hint: Think of a scale that is balanced that has 1 textbook on one side and 3 game controllers on the others side. They are equal weight but not equal amounts of items. 

What is...

True. Being in balance does not mean that you need to have equal proportions of activities. It is better to spend more time outside or doing physical activity instead than to spend all day on media.


Is this clickbait? Why or why not?

What is...

Yes it is clickbait. It is trying to grab your attention by telling you something you may not already know. It is trying to shock you with new information. It would be wise not to click on this article.


What does it mean to have empathy for someone?

What is...

To imagine the feelings that someone else is experiencing. 


Why are there sometimes advertisements (ads) on online news articles?

What is..

They help the news website make money by selling space on their article pages.


Aaron's mom has to use Amazon to buy things online because the stores are closed. If she can't find what she needs on Amazon, she has to look on another website. 

Choices: Digital access, Digital Commerce, Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, Digital Etiquette, Digital law, Digital Rights and Responsibility, Digital Health and Wellness, Digital Security (Self-Protection)

What is...

Digital Commerce.

Anytime you buy or sell things online, you are participating in digital commerce.