Any form of communication through your phone or computer that is meant to hurt or intimidate another person.
What is Cyberbullying?
You should do this to make sure you are searching for the right word.
What is type carefully or spell check your words before you search.
Online account passwords should have a combination of these?
What are letters, numbers and symbols?
You should always do this when something that someone says online makes you feel upset.
Tell a trusted adult
Internet, video games, videos, and cell phones are examples of what?
What is digital media?
When you want to post something out of anger or to make a joke about someone, before you do, you stop to consider how you might feel if someone did it to you.
What is, "Think before you post."
What is one result of posting inappropriate material/items online?
What is: get in trouble at school, be removed from sports teams, your reputations is harmed.
Name three pieces of information that should always be kept private online.
What are: Home Address, Phone Number, Passwords, Birthday, School Name
Checking the online profile of someone you meet online will always give you true information about that person. True or false?
A responsible way to use part of another person's work is to...?
What is citing: give credit to the creator.
When you send a message to an online moderator, or administrator of a website/game, telling them of cyberbullying you witnessed or that was done to you.
What is reporting.
A person post a picture of their self making a rude gesture/action. This is an example of __________.
What is inappropriate behavior.
This type of inappropriate behavior is called oversharing.
What does the URL have if the website is secure?
The URL starts with HTTPS and has a lock symbol.
What do you change on your account so that only friends can see your account?
What are privacy settings?
This protects my song from being copied or used without my permission.
What is copyright.
When someone sees another person being bullied and they intervene in a safe, responsible way or asking someone they trust for help to solve the bullying they witnessed.
What is an up-stander?
A friend posted something that she thinks is funny, but it really just seems mean.What might be the result?
What is: get in trouble at school, other people might feel uncomfortable around the person posting, may loose other people's trust, their reputations is harmed.
An digital communication meant to steal your personal information, account numbers, or other important data.
What is phishing?
Phishing messages can be an email, email attachment, text message or any other form of digital communication.
Someone who may steal personal information or personal accounts
A hacker
This license lets people use part of all of someone's work for educational purposes.
What is a creative commons license?
Using text messages or social media's direct messaging, to invite everyone in a group or class to an event but leaving out a specific member of that group or class.
What is cyberbullying by exclusion.
Cyber bullying because it is done through a digital device. Bullying because it is intentionally ignoring or leaving someone out with the intention of being mean.
A student emails an inappropriate message to a friend. The next day, the student is called into the principal's office to talk about it. He didn't tell anyone about this so how did the principal find out?
School accounts and chromebooks are borrowed. They belong to the district. There is no privacy for students on their school accounts or Chromebooks.
The law that protects children's privacy rights up to the age of 12.
What is COPPA: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.
What apps use to track and share your location. You can turn this off in your account settings.
What is geolocation?
Geolocation is mapping of an IP address or MAC address to the real-world geographic location of an Internet-connected computing or a mobile device
What is the symbol used to show that something is copyrighted?
A "C" with a circle around it