Fact and Opinion
Synonyms and Antonyms
Main Idea and Details
What is the difference between a fact and opinion?
A fact can be proven true with evidence and an opinion cannot be proven.
What is the difference between a synonym and an antonym?
A synonym is a word with a SIMILAR meaning to another word. An antonym is a word with the OPPOSITE meaning to another word.
Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there. “Tommy, you are in big trouble!” Mom yelled to herself as she realized that Tommy was gone. What can you infer happened to the window?
Tommy broke the window when he was playing baseball.
What is the main idea?
The main idea is what the text is MOSTLY ABOUT. It touches on every paragraph in the text.
What is a theme?
A life lesson.
Is this a fact or opinion? The most courageous explorer of our time was Mack Simpson because of his many great adventures.
Which of the following is a SYNONYM for approximately? A. exactly B. around C. none D. same
B. around
In "The Return of the Wolf", which is most likely the reason the elk population grew when wolves disappeared from Yellowstone? A. Elk were able to find better shelter. B. Elk moved into the wolves' territory. C. Elk were not being hunted by wolves. D. Elk were eating more willow and aspen trees.
C. Elk were not being hunted by wolves.
"Dinosaur Buddies" is mostly about A. a herd of triceratops B. what paleontologists do C. a new theory based on a fossil discovery D. how triceratops protected themselves
C. a new theory based on a fossil discovery
Which of the following is a prepositional phrase? A. She also B. During the day C. playing basketball D. watching tv
B. During the day It has the preposition during
Which of these is a FACT? A. Tigers are members of the cat family. B. Having a tiger as a pet is a serious problem. C. Tigers are very talented. D. Tigers are fierce and admirable.
A. Tigers are a member of the cat family.
Raphael was jubilant when he saw that his mom and grandpa were in the audience for his play. He couldn't wait for the play to start. In this sentence, what does jubilant mean? A. upset B. nervous C. impressed D. joyful
D. joyful
In "The Return of the Wolf", why do you think the park managers and the US government wanted a new strategy for dealing with elk in the park? A. because their old strategy did not work well B. because voters wanted more wolves in parks C. because of the growing beaver problem D. because hunters wanted to hunt more animals
A. because their old strategy did not work well
In "Dinosaur Buddies", which detail suggests that young triceratops might have lived in herds? A. Scientists proved that other kinds of dinosaurs lived with triceratops. B. Three juvenile fossils were found together. C. A flood deposited the fossils at the site. D. Adult triceratops fossils were found with no other triceratops nearby.
B. Three juvenile fossils were found together.
Which transition words or phrases can help organize a text in chronological order? A. at first, under the sink B. sometimes, birthday C. for the first few days, after a week D. after, at the store
C. for the first few days, after a week BOTH choices have to be transition words!
Which of the following is an OPINION? A. Michael Phelps worked with his trainer to prepare for the Olympics. B. Michael Phelps won many gold medals. C. Michael Phelps has won more medals than any other Olympic swimmer. D. Michael Phelps is a wonderful athlete and role model.
D. Michael Phelps is a wonderful athlete and role model.
Lauren was so nervous to ride the Viper roller coaster. "Just deal with it," she grumbled to herself as the ride was about to start. A word that means MOST NEARLY the same as grumbled is A. shouted B. laughed C. muttered D. exclaimed
C. muttered
In "The Return of the Wolf", the vegetation of Yellowstone probably suffered when wolves were gone because A. elk ate too many plants B. there were no wolves to eat the plants C. there were more beavers to eat the plants D. too many songbirds nested in the plants
A. elk ate too many plants
In "Dinosaur Buddies", what do scientists think will happen next after the discovery at the Homer site? A. They will prove juvenile triceratops were solitary. B. They will find more juvenile triceratops fossils at the site. C. They will prove that adult triceratops lived in herds. D. They will discover previously unknown kinds of dinosaur fossils.
B. They will find more juvenile triceratops fossils at the site.
What is the correct way to write the title of the poem? A. "Listen to your heart" B. "Listen" to your heart C. "Listen to Your Heart" D. Listen to Your Heart
C. "Listen to Your Heart"
Which of the following is an OPINION? And, what words tell that it is an opinion? A. As a child, James spent most of his time reading books. B. James travelled to Africa with his parents when he was twelve. C. James Smith was the most fascinating writer of the 1950s. D. James wrote a book about an African safari, which was the most popular of his 50 novels.
C. James Smith was the most fascinating writer of the 1950s. AND: most fascinating
They seemed to have a natural talent for drawing. They were very artistic without taking any classes or lessons. What is an ANTONYM for the word natural as it is used in the sentence? A. agreement B. innate C. contrived D. common
C. contrived
In "The Return of the Wolf", why might the number of scavengers have grown when wolves returned to Yellowstone? A. The elk stopped eating scavengers' food. B. New visitors to Yellowstone left food behind for scavengers. C. The wolves caused an increase in beavers, which scavengers eat. D. Scavengers could eat the remains of animals that wolves had killed.
D. Scavengers could eat the remains of animals that wolves had killed.
In "Dinosaur Buddies", before the discovery of the Homer site, paleontologists believed that A. All triceratops were solitary. B. Adult triceratops lived in herds. C. Juvenile triceratops lived in herds. D. All triceratops lived in groups.
A. All triceratops were solitary.
Which statement is a theme? A. Do not jump off tall buildings without a bungee cord. B. Believe that you can do something. C. Always swim in the shallow end. D. Becoming the boss is the most important reason to get a college degree.
B. Believe that you can do something.