Physical Science
Human Body
Force and Motion

Which is most responsible for the changes in seasons?

A.  The Jet Stream.     B.  Ocean Currents

C.  The Distance from Earth to the Sun

D. The tilt of Earth on its Axis

The tilt of Earth on its Axis


When the sun warms water, which resulting process occurs?

A.  Evaporation.    B.  Condensation

C.  Precipitation.    D. Run off



Which type of animal usually eats both producers and consumers?

A. Carnivore.      B.  Producer

C. Herbivore.      D.  Omnivore



Which is a characteristic of most single-celled organisms?

A. They have a complex nervous system.

B.  They contain several different cell types.

C. They perform all of life's processes.

D.  They have a circulatory and respiratory system.

They perform all of life's processes. 


A wagon is pushed in a straight line. How would an increase in friction on the wagon wheels affect the wagon?

A.  It would move faster.  B.  It would change speed

C.  It would change direction.    D.  It would slow down

It would slow down.


Which best describes the cause of day-to-day weather changes?

A. The rotation of Earth.     B.  The size of Earth.

C. Moving air Masses.         D. Action of the Wind.

Moving Air Masses


Students observed a piece of iron change from shiny to rusty. What caused this change?

A.  Chemical Reaction.      B.  Physical Reaction

C. Cold Reaction.              D. Heat

  Chemical Reaction


Which has the greatest effect on the amount of salt in a salt marsh?

A.  The number of animals living in the marsh.

B. The closeness of the marsh to the ocean.

C. The depth of the water in the marsh.

D. The temperature of the water in the marsh.

The closeness of the marsh to the ocean.


Which statement best describes how a multicellular organism survives?

A.  Every cell carries out the same function.

B.  The cells all have the same structure.

C. All of life's processes are carried out by each cell.

D. The cells have different functions and are essential for the survival of the organism.

The cells have different functions and are all essential for the survival of the organism.  


A runner measured the time it took him to run 5 km. What can he calculate from the distance and time measurements?

A.  Speed.        B.  Direction

C.  Mass.          D.  Force



Students report that the sky in their area has mostly cirrus clouds. What are most likely the weather conditions in the area?

A.  Rainy.      B. Cold

C.  Windy.     D. Fair



Which is the best example of the transfer of heat by radiation?

A.  Water Boiling         B.  Ice Melting

C. Hot Air Balloon Rising.     D.  Lightbulb Glowing

Lightbulb Glowing


Which classification best describes herbivores?

A. Producers.    B. Consumers

C.  Predators.    D.  Decomposers



What is the relationship between the respiratory system and the circulatory system?

A.  They exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

B.  They exchange oxygen and carbon monoxide.

C.  They exchange oxygen and sugar.

D.  They exchange oxygen and nitrogen.

They exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.


The brakes cause frictional forces on the wheels of the bicycle.  This causes the bike to...

A.  Speed Up.      B. Slow Down

C. Add Energy.    D.  Increase the Force

Slow down.


Which best describes a hurricane?

A.  A low-pressure weather system

B.  A high-pressure weather system

C. Cold Front

D.  Stationary Front

A low-pressure weather system.


Jason fills a glass container completely with water and screws the lid on tightly. He places the container in a freezer. Which will most likely result?

A.  The Container will keep the water from freezing

B.  The water will freeze and take up less space.

C. The water in the container will expand when it freezes and cause the container to crack.

D.  The water in the container will expand when it freezes and cause the container to crack

The water in the container will expand when it freezes and cause the container to crack.


What will be most affected if the decomposers in an ecosystem are removed?

A. Spread of Disease.   B.  Availability of Water

C. Quality of Soil.         D. Distribution of Organisms

Quality of the Soil


In what way are the digestive and circulatory systems alike?

A. Both protect organs. 

B. They control body movements.

C. They absorb gasses and nutrients into the body.

D.  They provide structural support for the body.

They absorb gasses and nutrients into the body.

A ball is kicked and rolls along a level field until it comes to a stop. What is most responsible for the ball coming to a stop?

A. Air.         B.  Gravity

C. Mass.      D.  Friction



Which instrument is best used to predict weather changes?

A.  Hygrometer

B.  Barometer

C. Weather Vane

D.  Anemometer



In North Carolina, the wind is blowing from the north. If the wind changes direction and begins to blow from the south, what will most likely result?

A) Temperature will increase 

B) Temperature will decrease

C) Air pressure will increase

D) Wind Speed will decrease

The temperature will increase.


This is a food chain that includes grass, a grasshopper, and a bird. grass → grasshopper → bird                 How is the grass in this food chain best described?

A. Producer, because it makes its own food.

B. Producer, because its eaten by consumers.

C.  It is a consumer, because it gets energy from producers.

D. It is a decomposer, because it breaks down sunlight.

Producer, because it makes its own food.

What most likely caused this one rabbit to be born with one short ear?

A. The mother rabbit once lost an ear in an accident.

B.  The mother rabbit became sick before she gave birth.

C. A mutation occurred during the development of this one rabbit.

D.  This one rabbit received less nutrition than the other rabbits before it was born.

A mutation occurred during the development of this one rabbit.


If a car is moving backward along a road, can its speed be measured?

A. Yes, it can, because the car does not have friction acting on it.

B.  Yes, it can, because the car travels a distance in a certain amount of time.

C. No, it cannot, because speed can only be measured if the car is moving forward.

D. No, it cannot, because the distance traveled backward by a car cannot be measured.

Yes, it can, because a car travels a distance in a certain amount of time.